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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Carole, WOW! That is no doubt a beautiful marble. I don't think I've ever seen one quite like it. The twisting lutz ribbons are awesome! Is there a name for that type? -Ric
  2. O.K., Since you said "collectors" and not "investors", I'm going to guess Gary - he looks pretty tall in the pics.
  3. Well, I know Steve's not exactly a spring chicken . . . but he's not older than basketball . . . or collages . . . is he? lol -Ric
  4. Yeah . . . I'll bet it's not because he's irresistibly photogenic. lol. . . . JK Griff - couldn't help myself. -Ric
  5. Mighty sweet find there Brad! The handmades are very nice, but I'm really likin' that little red one. -Ric
  6. Those are some sweet ones, Steve. Nice run I'd say. That red is beautiful. What's the story on those clear ones in the second pic? -Ric
  7. Here are some Libby reflector buttons, with a screw base for easy replacement. They came in different colors too. -Ric
  8. If I remember correctly, that type of patch should cover about 1/3 of the marble. I think this is one of the Unique Bird Patches - I'm just not sure which bird. Can ya' see it? -Ric
  9. Nice Kevin. The top one does look a little Citrusy but . . .? -Ric
  10. Sweet Furnace Kevin. They are especially cool when they flare up. -Ric
  11. I thought that the Tawnies were a variation of the Hero style patch but . . .? That one looks more like a mildly lazy cork to me. -Ric
  12. If you're looking for pics and IDs to get started, I would suggest Popular American Marbles (Six, Metzler & Johnson) or Everett Grist's Big Book of Marbles. If you want more about company histories and packaging, then try American Machine Made Marbles (Six, Metzler & Johnson). -Ric
  13. I would put them both in the dug Akro bin. -Ric
  14. Super nice colors - glows like nuts, and oxblood too. Could they cram anything else in a marble? That is really sweet! -Ric
  15. Bill, I think my 16 year old son said it best when he caught me admiring your pic (he's nuts for lutz): "BLINGGGGOOOO! Can ya' put a couple of those on my Christmas list?" -Ric
  16. So . . . Kevin, Does this mean you're ready to trade Ravenswoods for Vitros? :thewave: 'cause I've got some mighty sweet Veets for ya' . . . -Ric
  17. Nice marbles, but I think there might be a few Akros in there - like #1 in the first row, and 1, 3 & 4 in the bottom row, JMHO. -Ric
  18. One of my favorites - a little beat up but I love the colors. -Ric
  19. Nice orange ones! I'm surprised we haven't seen any of these yet - 15/16" -Ric
  20. Mike, The gray-based pumpkin patches are very sweet. -Ric
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