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Minnesota Marble

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Everything posted by Minnesota Marble

  1. Both are real and common figures. As mentioned,the 2 is polished with no original surface remaining.
  2. Thursday will be my day to show up. Looking for rare pee wees,lutzes and clams !!!!!!! Minnesota Marble
  3. Ron, That lobed onion made me go temporarily blind!!!!!! What the heck......there's beauty in all the glass marbles!!!!!! Minnesota Marble
  4. The huge zillion-lobed onionskin of Jeroen'sis in a class by itself.
  5. That Skyler.....nhe's such a kidder. I knew he was razzing me I just didn't bite otherwise he would have won!!! Let's see some more mibs!!!!
  6. Both colored base sulphides have hand made "cages" around them perhaps to allow them to be hung up as decoration. Bernie
  7. This is what has been known as the -"Mushroom Mica Cloud". Bernie
  8. Greetings and salutations!!! Lots o good stuff here at the connection!!!
  9. Continued to read the post and now I know the rest of the story!!!
  10. I have a special place for this one too.
  11. I have a pretty little place for it!!! Bernie
  12. Here is another you don`t see every day!!! I am not sure 100% what the type is but I would say a : "White Ribbon Latticino Lutz".3/4 inch....any other suggestions???
  13. Minnesota went and had a great time!!! Seems more fun than the last year! I had never gone to Moon Marble and boy it was a blast!!! Sorry I hadn`t gone before. Saw lots of sweet mibs for sale. Here are 2 that really left a DEEP impression for me. One in this post and one in the next. 13/16 grey/mauve lutz minty fresh!!!!!
  14. Stands look fine...I'll change once they get here!!!....ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
  15. Lord willing and the creek don't rise....I will be there!! Bernie
  16. Here's a few words from a serious peewee collector. For me.....the peewee HAS to be 1/2" or less to be considered a true peewee. If indeed it does fall into that criteria,I would pay significantly more for it than one that is let's say 9/16. Everybody has their own parameters and this is mine. I will post some peewee pics soon. Bernie-Minnesota Marble
  17. I have a sulphide with and Egyptian Harps Eagle- 2 5/8
  18. Lord willing and the creek don't rise I will be there!!!!!! Bernie-Minnesota Marble
  19. A warm and heartfelt wish to all my marble friends fkor a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and joyful New Year!!! Bernie-Minnesota Marble
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