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MC Marbles

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Everything posted by MC Marbles

  1. Kudos for a Great News Letter & Bob's years of work!
  2. Just S-L-O-W down and keep your foot off the break!!
  3. If you do not know why, it can't hurt to ask the seller..
  4. Ive banned about 20 people in 14 years on Ebay, Here are some reasons: Never paid. Took way to long to pay. Tried to take advantage of me. Left me poor unjustified feedback. Screwed over fellow board members. Just gave me way to much grief. Being a Jerk & starting their own marble board after being kicked off this one & others (KR) It could be a long list....LOL
  5. They almost look like cane / rod pieces made prior to rounding in a machine. Cool
  6. I know some collectors in the past have been reluctant to post pics of scenic chinas in order not to encourage fakers to improve their art. (I am not commenting on this current marble) I feel photos are necessary as a resource to learn. If you look back in past threads there are no photos. It makes it very hard to research. JMHO If anyone has a problem these, I will gladly remove them. These are photos of the current marble being discussed: Edit: Never mind I tried!
  7. This one sold for $1125.00. Does anyone remember what the two others that sold in the last couple of years brought? Seems to me they were $2,000 to $3,500 each??? Just curious...
  8. Rich, Does that indicate all the ones you worked on had aftermarket coloring added to them??? I suggest the color would not burn off if it was a real one. After the clear glass reveals itself, did you then need to add color to fix them? I am wondering what the population of real colored sulfides is verses color added ones?? I thinking perhaps only 10% of the ones we see today were made originally with colored glass at the factory. Perhaps less.
  9. http://www.ebay.com/...=item3ccdbcb768 The same seller as two of the colored sulfides has the above sulfide listed. In this listing it says: EXCELLENT EXAMPLE TO HAVE RICH SHELBY REMOVE AIR BUBBLES FROM THE SURFACE OF THE BEAR So Rich...How many of the above marbles have you worked on????
  10. http://www.ebay.com/sch/duffytrash/m.html?item=271131965181&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  11. If you go to the original listing on Ebay it shows the Green one sold for $1100.00. Ouch! I would guess another case of more money than sense. The blue and the green one are from the same seller.
  12. What do you think of this 1.75" one sold for $1100.00 ?? This one looks like the color was added over clear. http://www.ebay.com/...=item3ccb0d43b9
  13. This 1.25" Polar Bear sold on Ebay a couple weeks ago for $375 It was stated: Probably came from the "California Hoard" http://www.ebay.com/...=p2047675.l2557
  14. I thought I was asking a simple question. LOL I understand some of the controversy of the "California Sulfides" (But not all) I was just remarking Baumann's book helped reinforce my suspicions. Thank you Bob for your confirmation. Great info in this thread.
  15. I know of an Ohio bottle & jar dealer that takes old glass and sends it out to be irradiated (Like they do to chicken). This process turns old glass a deep purple or a dirty amber color. I do not know if anyone has done it to marbles, but it is only a matter of time.
  16. Further research: Baumann, Collecting Antique Marbles, 3rd edition, Page 88 Identifies this figure as " Lady Godiva" a California Sulfide circa 1993-4 Lady Godiva was not an original known sulfide figure. Where it does not mention in blue, it does shows this very same figure done in an amber reproduction. (Plate 50) I guess I answered my own question. Thanks for your input everyone.
  17. Is this what is refered to as a California Sulfide?? http://www.ebay.com/...=item3ccdb03921
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