Let me say this...
I have nothing to do with running the Canton show.
I only attended & enjoyed it.
My point is if you don't rent a table for the show that is YOUR decision.
It is just a shame more people do not do the show proper.
Vern...You came into my room with your wife. We talked quite a while, we enjoyed talking marbles,
you even purchase a few marbles from me. (Thank You) I would call you a Friend.
I was in your room several times and enjoyed looking at your NFS case. That is what it is all about.
When I tried to see what you had to sell or trade I found those marble cases closed.
So I could not attempt to return the favor of buying something. You did not set up at the show (Your Choice)
so I then could not attempt any purchases. You perhaps limited your own chances of selling.
Mon...My comment "Why not contribute something to the hobby instead of tearing it down??? "
was directed to Greg11 who enjoys stirring the pot and being negative even at the detriment of the hobby.
Now we may have lost one of best marble Shows in the Country. How sad.