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Akro gatherer

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Everything posted by Akro gatherer

  1. I am looking for $1,000,000 worth of marbles for around $20.00 (thats including shipping). Any sellers?
  2. i would think that it glows under a black light. also i have not seen anything like it but then again........somethings get dug up that are very different. i know you said from the wild but........if Stephanie cant track it down with a pic or something or an ad from 1930 with it in it (meant as a compliment) and no one else has seen one or more than a few...............i would say it was dug.
  3. I just can't decide.........................................
  4. That is known as the marlbe triple lindsey. :Emoticon-jawdrop:
  5. Have been by there a few times in the past year. GHOSTTOWN!
  6. i do not believe that they have. their cullet piles were eventually cleaned up and taken to the dump within the last two years. :Sad_headshake_tweetz:
  7. Ron, sorry to hear about your loss.
  8. Man, marbles are just little glass balls that I happen to dig out of the dirt in my spare time. I have been guilty of jumping up and down in the room but I also appreciate the room as a place to come and read posts or look at pics or use the study hall to learn. Lou, Scoop, and any other admin/mod do a great job. I have no clue as to what this is about and am really glad I missed it. But I just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone and "let's get back to the marbles".
  9. what is the blue/red one? i wanna say pelt?
  10. only 30 years......i understand that the king of akro was there in the mid 60's truckin' them out. by the way almost all of my akros are dug (by me) and they are B-E-A-U-TIFUL. who really cares where they came from.
  11. actually not a real invite to the chocolate factory but used as a symbolic invite to something else. just to show my appreciation.
  12. :Emoticon-jawdrop: This is greatly appreciated and excitedly awaited.
  13. i think everyone needs to but a big ol' bag of pop-bottle glass cateyes and relax.
  14. Why do these threads get to this point. The Jabo special run people are living the dream. I wish I could go in on one of those runs but for many reasons I can't. Just to see it done. Just to be there with the people who are keeping the hobby that we ALL are apart of alive. I met WVRON and a friend of his in Elkins and thought that was cool. I could only imagine how much fun it would be to be at Jabo watching mibs roll out.I have some older Jabos and I must say the newer ones are much nicer. Of course a little bit pricier but you must pay to play. In another thread we have a young man wondering how to make a run to benefit the hungry and in this thread we are trying to figure out who is slamming who? There is so much fast talking and back and fourth, I thought that this was a filibuster on Capitol hill. I actually have no idea as to where the thread went I just know that some people must just like to bicker and argue. Hey life is short........Have fun and be nice! Plus my mom and your mom said if you don't have something nice to say about someone or something then don't say anything.
  15. I hope you all get to feeling better or at least maybe the pain will ease.
  16. the funny part is that they always try to make the sell with talking about the jars. i told one guy that i would pour the marbles out and he could keep his jars if we could haggle a little more. all of a sudden the talked turned to marbles. NO SALE!
  17. my head hurts. :Computers_comp18:
  18. so popeyes are actually akro specials.
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