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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. I worked my tail off today for twelve hours in sauna-like conditions. Since I'm too old and dignified for this sort of thing, I'm now into 'hour two' of 'cocktail hour'. Okay. The 'disclaimer' is done! I was in New York City in 1966, and I'm pretty sure I remember addresses that ended with "New York (double-digit), New York." There were definitely five digit zip-codes at the time, but I'm thinking there were still places of 'reputation' who considered their address historically and internationally 'sacred', so they stuck with the old form as long as possible. Also remember this guy encouraging us to use the full zip code.
  2. kbobam


    Agree with you about the thin crust. But just saw this blurb on tv for a show about 'food debates'. Looks like the debate will always go on. Even though the deep dish people are morons. Dang! Did I say that last sentence out loud?
  3. kbobam


    I was just searching the archives for something totally unrelated, and one of the first shots I saw involved good old Coke bottles. So I have to assume that the coincidence is obligating me to post this. I have no idea why the bottles are in a 7up carrier. Must have been some form of 'touched' at the time and found it amusing. But the most interesting thing to me right now is the 'bottle-bag'. Haven't thought about these for a long while, but this relates directly to the idea of a frosty coke. Way back when you'd generally get them from a cooler filled with water and ice. Even allowing for the few seconds you let it drip, it's still a pretty damp item. So the bag is totally required if a guy is bringing a Coke to a gal he wants to know he considers a 'lady'. Little sexist, but I think it's fun history. And I just thought of a great analogy today! Wouldn't dream of bringing a woman a fancy to-go coffee without the cardboard ring insulator. But I wouldn't be caught dead using one.
  4. kbobam


    I'm ashamed to say I wouldn't miss him all that much. Does anyone agree with me that Coke tastes the best when it's in a frosty traditional small glass bottle?
  5. Didn't see this until now. It's a real nice mix. Think your not quite peewee might be within factory tolerances, but it's decent of you to be straightforward. ( :
  6. kbobam


    So what I'm sort of thinking here is that Kellogg's hired the guy from Coca-Cola who suggested they change the formula. I have a suggestion for him. Why don't you give these waffles to your kids, tell them how they don't need syrup, and see what happens?
  7. I know there's an 'other uses for marbles' forum around here somewhere, but I can't find it. Likewise with 'marbles in movies/television'. Here's one that fits both. From the tv show 'King of the Hill', here's Hank about to use a marble for testing the slope of a roof gutter. ( :
  8. Hey, Clydetul62! Thanks for the response. The words really weren't bad at all. I don't think Bocci or most people took them the wrong way. But because of my respect for him and his board I just wanted to cover the remote possibility that some people might. ( :
  9. Definitely crazy! Or as we say in the D.C. area, Tow Cray! Although I was sort of wondering about the meaning here. 'Make the Bocci board go away' sounds negative by itself, but in the context here it sounded to me like it was a theoretical situation meant as a compliment to the wealth of info one can find at JaboLand. ( :
  10. Like it! Is that called a 'Cloudy'? ( :
  11. Just had a flashback realization that I don't think I ever responded to Ann, who introduced me to the Cloud Appreciation Society some time ago. (As a side note, I'm also going over to my neighbors' house later today to bring them their Christmas present. Honestly.) Thanks for turning me on to the great site. Lots of great stuff, and you have to appreciate the way they're 'fighting the banality of ‘blue-sky thinking’. http://cloudappreciationsociety.org/ Oh heck, I don't know why I'm procrastinating here. If I don't add this link to Judy Collins I'm going to go nuts. This is really wonderful if you're into it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcAhh_fd1hI
  12. The blues are beautiful. Very soothing. Does the base have some blue to it, or is that just guilt by association? ( :
  13. Dang, what was that first rule they taught me? Whatever you do, never, ever......... nuts, I just can't remember! Okay, I'll do it! Will almost certainly be using 'irfanview', which is one of the most amazing programs available free on the web. (I'm not associated with it in any way.) http://www.irfanview.com/
  14. kbobam


    Everyone smiles at the thought of fresh seafood!
  15. Thanks for the larger shots! The orange color and transparency of the base are more evident. It's a beauty. ( :
  16. So how about that avatar marble? It looks pretty awesome, and is there any chance you have a full size picture? And what's it called? Do you like lots of questions? And the same for Mike! What's up with that burgundy red cornucopia with the white trim? Never seen one, and it definitely stands out! Also wondering about planter #2 in the bottom row of your cabinet. Think that's the same one I have. So far, this particular type has the best colors I've seen. Mine has a breath-taking bottom of the inside, which sort of bums me out since it makes it kind of unusable planter-wise. But I'll live. Have a picture somewhere, and will post it when I find it. Here's my personal favorite of the few non-marble Akros I have. The technical term is "Concentric Ring Thingy". (Not good with names.) I think it looks pretty good here paired with a very nice Jabo marble. But I have a better picture somewhere which includes the lid, so that'll be another one for later when I find it. ( :
  17. Hey Jessica, I don't know why, but something tells me this guy's at least halfway serious about Akro. Nice stuff, Mike! ( :
  18. I'm not an expert, but I do have a planter and can tell you that the N and S are correct. Sounds like you might have something pretty neat! Bob
  19. Wow. That was freaky hypnotic. In an adrenaline-pumping way. The recording was amazing, as far as emphasizing the guitar playing while still having everything else in the background. Headphones definitely required! ( :
  20. Recently, for various reasons, I've been posting photos at Jabo Land which I've passed over previously. Also for various reasons, but mostly because they're bad. I think this originally happened because we were having a slow period over there, and it struck me that maybe people might like mediocre photos a lot better than none at all. So here's one for all the fine folks at TMC. Pretty nice marble, bad photo. Think I started out with visions of the marble sitting on a rocky outcropping, while a waterfall of mud cascaded elegantly around it. Wound up being a marble in a puddle. Luckily I wound up with a couple particularly nice shots of this mib in cleaner conditions. But I still want to take a breathtaking photo someday with mud all over the place! ( :
  21. Looks like a deal and a half to me! For sure! Particularly like the overall pattern with the angle in picture 6 (***236)
  22. kbobam


    For me, chocolate is more adventurous than it might sound. There just seem to be so many variations on what chocolate ice cream should taste like. Some of them are great, and some are awful. Other flavors don't seem to vary so much. P.S. Does anyone really think that the cookie part of an Oreo tastes like chocolate? ( :
  23. kbobam


    If I haven't been misinformed, Sonic has a summer-long milkshake deal. Half-price after 8:00 P.M. And a bunch of new flavors. I've never had a strawberry cheesecake milkshake and am kind of psyched. Also like the idea of something to do at the end of a long hot lazy Summer day. Right when you're feeling a little bad about being permanently connected to the couch, you can say "Hey! Let's get milkshakes!" Everyone will love you, and when you go to bed that night you'll know you accomplished something!
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