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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. "V" for victory on this Phantom Conqueror I found today:
  2. Very interesting. I did not realize they were trying to imitate agates via Meteors, but I see they were trying to put a sort of bullseye "cap" on them with that mossy semi-translucent base than many agates have. Interesting one of the colors was yellow but hardly anyone can find a real yellow agate now.
  3. I do gamble once and a while on eBay. For example, have a $20 small lot coming simply because it appeared to have an egg yolk Akro shooter in it, which might be worth $20 if it's particularly mint and the pattern looks as cool as I think it is. Also sometimes I buy agates that I suspect aren't hand-faceted. About one out of four times they turn out to be the real deal. My rejects I put in my big jar which I sometimes let neighborhood children take marbles from. For me the anticipation thrill is almost worth about $20, so as long as I don't do this too often, it feels like part of the fun.
  4. Bumping this topic because those agates are true killers!
  5. Killer score, Hansel! Honestly if it weren't for those blood alleys, I would assume that's just another contemporary machine ground mineral sphere set. From now on I'm peering closer at listings like those. The only faceted non-agates I have are a rose quartz and this guy, which to my eye looks a lot like the one above your ivory(!) one:
  6. Paid $20 each for two Navarre's (1" and .95") that were sold as slags. Left one is very mint range aside from one impact fracture. Right one has more as-mades and seems a little lopsided. Also another $10 for some nice little machinemades including a cobalt/black Akro cork and a pretty neat little Rainbo. Condition mint range on those.
  7. Wow, great shots of many marbles I've never seen. I've only ever found on old Hercules. It was a gorgeous marble I regret selling.
  8. That's a neat marble toy, but I imagine they didn't last long indoors after parents heard a few dozens rings.
  9. WOW! Seeing this, I realize I don't really collect marbles. I just happen to have a few marbles. That's a collection! I'd pay to look at that collection.
  10. Just pay attention to what DPI it wants to print at. I keep mine to 600 for print, so lots of detail, although that may be overkill depending on the source.
  11. I believe it might be a featured installed by owning Microsoft Office 365 (Word, et al). If you don't have that, this might work: https://www.bullzip.com/products/pdf/info.php
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