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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. I haven't seen any negative effects since the banning, with the exception of the love e-mails I get from Scott Patrick. George, hopefully you will have much to add to the forum. As I said, I don't ban people for the hell of it. Some of the people I banned, I could of banned long ago, but I didn't. I don't ban members because I disagree with them, or because they say something that insults me. I try to be fair, search the other marble boards and find how good these people are. You be surprised how many faces they wear. From prim & proper to noble on their own boards, and how downright disrespectful on others. I'm sorry if you don't agree, but these are the decisions (and grief) an administrator gets paid the high dollars for (LOL) Lou
  2. George, Why do you make a comment like that on your first post? Have you been here? Have you had to deal with the 4 people out of a thousand who were banned? Of the 4, only one posted to cause friction and the other three only showed up to join in the posts the main one made. There was not positives to keep them here, or are you just talking out your ass? Lou
  3. Just wanted inform everyone that I deleted some old registered users who either never posted or posted once and never returned. We have be having some issues with users that haven't been around in a while trying to log in and not being able too. I wound up deleting the old account and having them re-register. If you were registered at one time and are not now, this is the reason. Feel free to register again. Lou
  4. There is no way to change this that I know of. Sorry...Lou
  5. Thanks....I really don't have the programs to add marbles, if anyone want's to take a stab at it, go for it. I'll use it. Lou
  6. Losses like these are hard to endure. Peace to Ron and his mother. Lou
  7. Rick and All; There is no need to post anymore to this thread. The people who were banned were given many chances to stay on the board. Many people who don't post anymore got tired of being attacked, and not just by newbies. Let it rest. Lou
  8. BJ; No need to worry about being banned. You post was fine. I'm not banning people because I disagree with what they say. I'm tired of having to sit and watch what people are saying about whom. I banned a few to make my job easier. Lou
  9. Derrick, Maybe giving people free speech is one of the reasons this board is "turning to shit". There are ways to speak freely without insults, fowl language & innuendo. Feel free to join your "friends" on the other boards. Lou
  10. It seems that the board had a constipation problem and blocked a few negative members. Carry on, Lou RIP - SP
  11. Sue.... Try it now and let me know if it's working for you. I think I fixed it, but you never know..... Lou
  12. I don't know were the thought that they were once Kings came from. In my book they be Kings! Kings I tell yeah. Lou
  13. I love the look of the furnace marbles. Great design structure. Lou
  14. Well I just said I wasn't interested in the money. Now I'm a liar as well as a dictator. This board is for all marbles, including JABO's, Mega's, CAC's, Akro's, Pelt's, etc. If you can't handle it don't post. Lou
  15. There will be no separate sections for different marble era/types etc. We have gone through this before. I happen to have put up money for the last group that was run, am I an investor, I guess. But my thought process was to keep JABO producing marbles, not how much money I was going to make. In fact, my three boxes are still not looked at and one day when I get the time I'll look. I think Edna has a point, if you have to bring gloom to a thread, don't post. We have heard all the shit already, it's tiresome. Lou
  16. Damn Duffy, you are really stretching the attack thing. Lou
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