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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Wishing you the best. Lou
  2. Steph; I've had many in the past (remember, I sell stamps and coins to make my living). Lou My website.
  3. Thank you all for your kind wishes. Lou
  4. If the new views are not working right for you. There is a setting in your control panel (Your settings) to adjust. Lou
  5. A breath of fresh air for the marble community. A pat on the back to all involved. A tremendous job. I will add the link to our link section. Lou
  6. Latest update should fix the views of new posts. Lou
  7. Well I can do it if you stop using capitals when you type. Lou
  8. Gary; I don't remember, I just saw them in my normal look through eBay. I never bought from him, as I didn't like the fact he got pissed when someone used his pictures on the board. Lou
  9. Well, if I had handmades like that I'd show them too!!! Nice mibs!! Lou
  10. I know recently I saw some lots from him on ebay, maybe the last month or so. Lou
  11. I think we found the problem. If anyone else still sees red text in new posts, let me know. Lou
  12. That is weird, it's not red on my screen. I'll have to check it out. Lou
  13. I fixed the member/advanced member thing. Where do you see all posts in red? Lou
  14. I'm starting to get used to it too. One thing I have to do is either resize the logo or get a new one. Does everyone else have it overlapped by the sign in box? Lou
  15. Well it's here, hope it's good for everyone! Lou
  16. Just wanted everyone to know that there is a new version of the software we use on this board coming in the next several days. You may notice some changes and I hope to have everything working as soon as possible after the upgrade. Lou
  17. Despite the negative comments in a few posts, this thread is one of the reasons I don't let this board die. What wonderful information. Lou
  18. Thanks Mike, guess I'm the hypocrite. Lou
  19. Okay, enough free advertising for them. I gave everyone space and time to vent. Let's move on for now. Lou
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