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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. I'll be back soon to deal with this type of stuff. I'm going to re-write the terms of use of the board. I'm going to make it real simple so everyone understands. Lou
  2. How come when I say that to a woman I get slapped? Lou
  3. I need to take some time off from the board. I plan to only stop by very little for the next month or two. Life is getting in the way. The moderators will handle all issues unless it gets too bad. I have started to delete some posts that are derailing threads. I will continue to do this. If you want to have issues with someone take it to Scott's board. You can say your piece there. Keep it on topic. Lou
  4. Mike...you kill me. Super job on the mibs. Lou
  5. Can you add comments to each pic? Maybe you can tell what they are there. Louy
  6. Congratulations & Best of luck! Lou
  7. Can you tell me which item/galley you want to change and I'll see if it's doable. Lou
  8. Some days I wish I had a lot of money. Lou
  9. Kevin; Can you send me a pm and tell me the person you were trying to message. I will check that account and see what is going on. Lou
  10. With that, the thread is now closed. Lou
  11. Kevin; Yes, I could of locked it down, and I probably should of. I also probably should of suspended you for spamming the board with multiple duplicate posts in this thread. I have a fine line to walk. If I close it, some will say I closed it too soon as they didn't get a chance to respond. Sometimes I feel that this board if full of crybabies and B.S. artists. Today I could shut the whole board down and not think twice about it. I don't need to be told how to do my job. Lou
  12. Mike....Super cool....they look like JABO's......just kidding. Love them! Lou
  13. Proper internet use would be that you mention that these are pictures of "like" marbles. If you don't photo your own stuff, an use others photos people will tend to believe you don't own said items. Lou
  14. until
    [color="#0000FF"][font="Lucida Console"][size="5"]Down Town, Sistersville, WV. Buy sell trade Watch marble being made Childrens marble tournament Attend a marble auction Play bingo, provided by The Friendly, WV Lions club. Great food! FREE VENDOR SET UP AND FREE ADMISSION! LIMITED EDITION 2009 MARBLE AND STANDS. HOTELS AND MOTELS: D&D motel, New Martinsville,WV 304-337-8558 Budget Inn 304-455-2750 Plaza Inn 304-455-4490 Travelers Inn 304-455-3355 Amerihost Inn 304-455-6100 St Mary's, WV St Mary's Motel 304-684-2233 The Wells Inn was closed, last time I was out,so you will have to contact Jim King, at 304-652-4030, with regards to its current status. I will see him in a couple days, and if there is an update on the motel, I will post the info. If anyone can come help set up canopies, and place picnic tables on Thursday, it would be greatly appreciated. [/size][/font][/color]
  15. We had some issues with members trying to add new albums to the Gallery. These appear to have been fixed. If anyone has any issues, please let me know. Lou
  16. This is good, let's try to keep this on the front page for a while. Lou
  17. I can make a filter that won't accept IMHO. Everyone needs a chill pill. I hear Rick has some. Lou
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