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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. I want to announce I'm running for president..... Just kidding. No posts will stick to the old web address. This is the only real change for the board, the new address. Lou
  2. Okay, we will not be able to upload any pics for a couple days. I am having this site transferred to a new host. Our web address may change a bit, but once moved the board will be back to normal. This is needed to reduce the cost of board hosting which is currently $30 a month, new space would push this to over $100 a month if we stay with our current host. We have just outgrown our space. I will let you know how we are doing with the move. Please forgive any quirks the board has during the move. Lou
  3. Looking into it, looks like someone uploaded a bunch of pics and used up all our free space. Will see what the issue is. Stay tuned. Lou
  4. We had a problem, you still having issues? Lou
  5. Over the past several days our board seemed to be behaving badly. Several functions just stopped working. I hope I have restored all of them and they are working correctly. If anyone has an issue (just board issues) that still isn't working correctly, please let me know. One thing that I have changed is emails, for some reason the board was storing emails on the server going back to 2005!!! Support has deleted these files and this has given us a lot more space. Lou
  6. Whoever has a birthday today, have a good one. Lou
  7. It's sure better then some of the tiny pics. Nice ones Edna. Lou
  8. Yes, they are quite nice. Some of the best from the Jokers! Lou
  9. Well now that that is fixed, we have to buy more space to host the pictures, it's almost filled up! Lou
  10. They tell me the attachment spot now works, please try it out and let me know. Lou
  11. I was not using Stephs steps, but you think if there is a spot to attach it would work. I'll contact support. Lou
  12. Keep in mind folks, I didn't change this to make it more difficult for any of you. The boards software has to be upgraded every so often to stop hackers from finding openings. The older the code the longer hackers have to find vulnerabilities and easier to attack. Just wanted to point this out, I really don't like being the sand in your shoe. Lou
  13. I think the thing that's different is you have to upload your picture in the gallery, after you do that make sure you click the button in the bottom right that says finished. If you don't it doesn't stick. Then you have to attach using the My Media button when replying to or starting a thread. Lou
  14. Just uploaded to the Gallery. Had no trouble with it. Lou
  15. I had no problem editing your post. I need more info, what operating system are you using also what browser? Thanks. Lou
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