Okay folks, I'll keep it going. It just seems that the board was getting stale. It costs around $65 a month to run the board, mostly for security software for this large a site.
I'm not begging for money. Just want to make sure there is still a use for the board.
After watching this board slow to a drip, I am considering closing it down.
If anyone want to take it over, message me and I will let you know the costs involved.
Looks like someone accidentally or on purpose uploaded malware to the server. I'm working to get as much as possible restored.
In the future we will have a better backup, and site wide malware protection. Just need to figure out how much it will cost.
I saw nothing wrong with the original post. This board is for everyone to learn, help, show off or whatever about marbles. If someone has an issue with a post, you can just ignore it and read something else.