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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. One entry per person. Winner receives marbles donated by Carole. An 1 1/4" Orange based swirl (white, red & gold lutz stripes)by Dennis Richardson. A really cool Valentines marble made by Dennis Richardson. And I'll throw in a handful of JABO's from last years final run. (I will post pics soon). Here is the contest question. What will be the total combined points scored in the Super Bowl? No repeat numbers. First one to use the number gets it. If a repeat is noticed, the person who posted the repeat may make another choice. In case no one guesses the actual final total, the closest to the correct total wins. If there are two people "closest" to the final total, one above and one below, the first person to have posted their choice wins. People may still enter until 6:30 p.m. Eastern time on game night. Lou
  2. Wow, interesting, really OT but Azuma is the name of the cattery I got my Turkish Angora Kittens from..... Back to your regular discussion. Lou
  3. Cog is cool, love the Conway, goes over a great bridge (Frankenstein) if you take the long route. Lou
  4. Mt. Washington, NH is my favorite area on this planet! Haven't been everywhere, but NH is spectacular! Merry Christmas, Lou
  5. Antique and Contemporary Art Glass Marbles March 20, 2010 At the Anaheim Park Hotel 222 W. Houston Ave. Fullerton, Ca. 92832 For room reservations, Call… Phone – (714) 992-1700 Open from 9:00 to 3:00 on Saturday, March 20, 2010 In-room trading begins on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 For more information, contact Rich Shelby [email protected] 951 212 4435
  6. until
    South Eastern Ethical Marbles Society Presents 5th Annual SPRINGBREAK MARBLE SHOW! (formerly Santa’s Marbles Show) Friday & Saturday, March 12 & 13, 2010 RAMADA INN, ST. PETERSBURG, FL. 5005 34TH ST. North Friday; private room buy/sell/trade. Marble fun in the tropical private pool and hot tub area. Saturday; Open to public all day in the same area, “In room” show, no moving, set-up or tables to rent!! Call BEFORE Feb 27th 2010 to reserve rooms at special marbles show rate of just $75. You need to call 1 800 843-4669 and SAY MARBLE SHOW. Be sure you explain that you want ground floor “inside” facing pool area rooms!!! If you want to smoke you will be stuck on 2nd floor! Call early or lose out! For questions and information on the show itself please call (352) 450-5947 or Email; [email protected]
  7. Hey Scott; I think they need your pic (LOL). Lou
  8. From Alan's Facebook page.... eBay suspended all my auctions because I put a couple quotes..one by Jesus (the savior one, not your gardener)...in my listings! Some bible-boy complained and that's all it took. Why are so many Godders so quick to judge others...isn't that supposed to be a sin or do they think they can just pick and choose? God love Cafeteria Christians...because I sure as hell don't.
  9. Where your name appears at the top right, click there, go to My settings. at the left is a link for changing your email address. Lou
  10. [font="Verdana"][size="6"][color="#FF0000"]TOM & HUCK MARBLE SHOW[/color][/size] WHERE-----BEST WESTERN ON THE RIVER HANNIBAL, MO WHEN-------DEC. 12TH 2009 TIME---------9 AM TO 3 PM ADMISSION-----FREE TABLES-----30$ PURPOSE---TO EDUCATE COLLECTORS ON HOW TO ID AND VALUE MARBLES [/font]
  11. I contacted Alan, he is sick, he is also sick of eBay and said he thinks he will not be listing as much material. You can now return to your previous worries. Lou
  12. With the recent change of the board rules, I have unbanned several people. Mainly people who asked to post again. While this does not guarantee that there will be no problems, I have hope that we will return to marbles and drop the back-biting. If it doesn't people will be suspended and we will go on. I've received an email questioning my thinking on this matter, so now you have my thinking. If you can't accept my thinking for whatever reason, there are other boards to use. Have a good one. Lou
  13. I am going to give it one more shot with this board. As of today, there are no "set" rules with the exception of keeping your posts civil. You are responsible for what you write. No more back stabbing, sly remarks, cursing, attacking on the board, thread hijacking, etc. As Scott would say I am a dictator. Yes, I'm now a dictator. If your post disappears it's because I didn't like it. If you find that you cannot stay with this spirit, I suggest you find another board to post. This board is about MARBLES!!! Most of you are adults, lets act like it. If you have a problem with this, contact me, I can delete your account. Lou
  14. Let's try this again. Cut the crap. Scott, you have your board, Kevin cut the insults. Lou
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