I've watched this thread with amusement. You turn the thread, then proclaim "why me"?
Since you have a numbered list, I have a numbered list. Try an answer them, try it without the bullshit.
1. Why didn't you copy the vile things being said at MKA regarding Sue, Edna, Steve, Steph, Felicia, Carole, and others who post at Marble Connection?
2. Why are First Amendment Rights more important to you than common decency? Are we not entitled to civility from you as well as our First Amendment rights?
3. Why is my deleting of your posts different from your deleting of posts on LOM?
4. Why is banning you or anyone else different from the suspension you did of Edna for posting Chamberlain's letter? Isn't it the same First Amendment rights?
5. What was your purpose in bringing the post of Griff, which you took out of context, over here to a board where Griff was receiving complimentary remarks?
6. Why would you want to visit a board like MKA that is masquerading as a marble board and is really a place to trash people who don't visit that board?
7. Don't you understand that you are the people you choose to associate with?
8. How did you not start anything on this board? It was you who brought the Griff complaint post over here.
9. How is it you never start anything over here, but yours is the first negative post on the topic?
10. We are not making you out the bad guy. Your posts do it for you. Why do you persist in repeating the behavior that draws attention to your ugly side and point out your intent to stir up stink?
11 Why do you always turn peoples legitimate questions into an attack on you? I want answers, not attacks.
12.Why are you trying to put the "c" word on Griff? He was only expressing his opinion that the use of it at MKA was inappropriate. Why would you try to make it seem like Griff was the guilty party?
13. And why do you play "Mr. Innocent" about the other slurs at MKA directed at female members of MC? You read them.
14. And most importantly, why didn't you object to the slurs like bitch, whore, c@nt? Have you no common decency?
15. Why do you think being a rumor monger is protecting people from bad investments?
16. Have you been paid and by whom to bad mouth others?
17. As a moderator at Land of Marbles aren't you supposed to set a higher standard for all in all your your words and actions everywhere and always in the marble community? Are you responsible for protecting Pete's work and name?
18. You always act the expert. Please share a list of your body of work in the arena of marbles
19. Are you amoral?, a liar?, insecure?, a sociopath? Please tell us what other reasons might cause you to behave in this manner and constantly protest your innocence after stirring up things.
20. Who appointed you "guardian of JABO investors"? I didn't ever see anyone ask for your advice or opinion.
21. What is good about your information? Who are your sources and what are their quote and expertise in these matters.
Not that I expect anything but BS from you, but give it a try.