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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. Neat marble. I didn't see the internal colors or I would of guessed differently. Lou
  2. I'm guessing it's by Harry Besett. Lou
  3. Okay. While Steph may be correct going by the dictionary, Bo is correct that a pontil is what is left when you break a punty off. Haha, that just cleared that up! Lou
  4. Neat mib. I think I'm going to make one...LOL
  5. Glad you liked it. Wished more tried for it, but you were so close in size! Lou
  6. until
    [font="Palatino Linotype"]Crossroads of America Marble Show September 10, 11 and 12, 2009 Hampton Inn & Suites, US 31 N, Kokomo, Indiana 765-455-2900 (room block will close, Thursday August 20, book soon to get rooms together) In-room trading Thursday and Friday, with free will donation meal served Friday night Saturday the show will be in banquet room open to the public with Free admission. Contact Beth Morris 765-457-2477 or 765-438-2318 [email protected] or www.indianasmarbleclub [/font]
  7. Start new post. Under attachments, use the browse button to find the picture on your computer, click on your picture then click open. The picture is ready to upload to our server. Hit attach this file. The picture will upload. You can do this several time to add more than one picture. If you don't hit "add to post" your pictures will show at the end of your post. If you want your pictures mixed in between your text, you need to put your spacer where you want the picture to go and hit "add to post". You have just put a picture in your post. Lou
  8. Start new post. Under attachments, use the browse button to find the picture on your computer, click on your picture then click open. The picture is ready to upload to our server. Hit attach this file. The picture will upload. You can do this several time to add more than one picture. If you don't hit "add to post" your pictures will show at the end of your post. If you want your pictures mixed in between your text, you need to put your spacer where you want the picture to go and hit "add to post". You have just put a picture in your post. Lou
  9. Marble size is 1.458. modularforms is the winner. Please PM your mailing address. Lou
  10. Below is this weeks contest item courtesy of Carole. Sorry I'm a day late, had some flooding issues from a storm. The marble is under 2" and created by Dennis Richardson in a nice vortex design with goldstone. I will take one guess from each member, price is right rules, closest without going over wins. I have measured with my electronic caliper and need the guess in the following form _._ _ _ i.e. 2.456 (note this is just an example) Good luck, if you use fractions like 1 3/32 your guess will not count. Contest ends Friday at 8PM EST. Lou
  11. Carole; I truly wish I could afford those. They are really top notch. Enjoy! Do you plan on getting all four seasons? Lou
  12. Ruth, don't forget to send me your mailing address. Lou
  13. Contest is closed. Size of marble is 1.172. Winner is....MyMarbleBuddy New giveaway on Monday! Lou
  14. Below is this weeks contest item courtesy of Carole. The marble is under 2" and created by Dennis Richardson. I will take one guess from each member, price is right rules, closest without going over wins. I have measured with my electronic caliper and need the guess in the following form _._ _ _ i.e. 2.456 (note this is just an example) Good luck, if you use fractions like 1 3/32 your guess will not count. Contest ends Friday at 8PM EST. Lou
  15. It's electric and reads both ways. I'll give all the info when the contest starts, now behave! Lou
  16. I received some Dennis Richardson marbles (6) and some vintage pelts. The marbles were donated by Carole for a giveaway. I will do one a week (for the Richardson's), you will need to guess the size by my electronic caliper. Price is right rules apply, closest without going over wins. Thinking on a contest for the pelts. One guess per person. Will end on Friday at 8 PM EST. Thanks to Carole for the great donation. Lou :happy-857:
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