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Everything posted by ann

  1. Ta Daaaaaaaaaaa! That's one. I'm assuming the reddish arcs are reflections of some kind? And it's for sale, you say? Hmmm . . .
  2. They're all big --I forget the size exactly, but it's not far off 7/8. And like Clyde said, with a transparent green base glass purely loaded with aventurine, and a white wire-pull-like thing going on inside, and in some places touching the surface. Usually has white specks of debris inside, and sometimes on the surface. Def not Jabo, though. There's gotta be a pic around here somewhere . . .
  3. My, yes, ain't you the smart boy ...
  4. Send it to me. I'll measure it for you.
  5. OK, the other view of ny avatar . . . (I didn't collect cats for a long time either)
  6. Is the consensus that Green Giants are Alley? Or are there other theories? (I got my first one from Alan B., who just labeled it "West Virginia aventurine swirl." He said he suspected Alley, but he didn't say why . . .)
  7. Anybody have a good pic of a Green Giant? I don't. My new camera and I aren't speaking yet. But I also don't remember seeing any good pics of one. They seem to be hard to photograph -- the depth and denseness of the internal aventurine is hard to capture, and they frequently contain flecks of white oven debris, which can be distracting. Chuck, you there? You used to have a bunch of them -- have any good pics? The one I got from you is happy to be with others of it's kind . . . And, um, Dani, maybe you better send me that Silver Surfer, just to study for a little while, you know. I'll send it back. I swear. Really. Almost right away. Promise.
  8. But I like your addition of the word "feline."
  9. Sure, no prob, Mike. Heck, why not more than one? They're small, after all. Is he looking? Do you think he believes me?
  10. Thanks Clyde -- that's the best explanation I've gotten. Since I've never seen a Silver Surfer in person, I haven't been able to tell from photos that the Surfer's base has no aventurine, and that the aventurine is actually in black ribbons.
  11. Did anybody tell him yet that new members have to send one of their marbles to everybody on the forum?
  12. While staring admiringly at Dani's Silver Surfer in another Pelt thread, it occured to me that I don't know what the distinction is between the Silver Surfer and the also spectacular large marble usually called the Jolly Green Giant, or sometimes just Green Giant. I've managed to rake three of them into my cave over the years, and I'm open to re-homing more . . . Some think the Green Giants are Alley. Maybe they are and maybe they're not -- I don't know. Not talking about that distinction, anyway. Is there a discernable physical / visual difference between the two? (having never seen a known Silver Surfer in person) Or are they really the same thing? And therefore . . .problematic?
  13. Hey Mon! They're wrapped up tight as a tick! C'ept when I'm rolling around in them.
  14. CAC? Or . . . something else? Why so coy?
  15. Copperhead. One of my favorites, annealing cracks and all.
  16. Yep. Same in other materials (objects & paintings conservation).
  17. Yes. To me, if the ribbons look like calligraphy (any variety -- westerm, Arabic, Chinese. etc.) then it's a calligraphy marble. In my head. There, Winnie's blue-on-white that starts the thread is a calligraphy marble, and just because an Alley is busy doesn't make it a calligraphy marble. in my book, as well. Others disagree. Secretly I know they're wrong.
  18. I think you've hit on it. "Reconditioning" does very nicely, on several levels. I believe I''ll try to use that word from now on.
  19. Wow. No heat? That's amazing. Yea, I'm about 90% there, Danny. It's an old German I bought because there was no way I could afford one like it in mint (or anywhere near mint) condition and I wanted one of that type very, very much . . . I've been thinking of the reheating road simply because on my candidate there are very fine yellow "latticinio" lines very close to the (chipped & scratched) surface, and I've been fretting over losing them with polishing . . . Maybe I should just send it to you and you can tell me what would be the likely outcome once you've seen the surface? Not takin' your bet. I think I might lose.
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