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Everything posted by zigafoose

  1. I always thought them the same marble just depends on who called it what. Brownish with a light black bird looking like a "crow" but really more like a "kingfisher" because of the longer beak. Here is one from Ebay IMHO price is to high. Crow Pick
  2. I have a fondness for the hybrid Popeyes
  3. LOL! Thats not at all what I thought this thread was going to be about!!! My guess is six years is what some government think tank came up with as the age a child is smart enough to not put them in their mouth or at least follow direction from a parent when told not to put in their mouth
  4. Great report and great pics! Thanks
  5. Nice pics... :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  6. From the emails I got he got taken on the mib and is passing the buck!
  7. Looked like BERT to me.. .....lol I see it now Beetem........................... Ok now nobody outbid me
  8. BUMP Sorry about the thread jacking Jack. Thanks for the replies
  9. While were at it who's on this one? Cohen? Clicky The Linky
  10. Bwwwaahhhaaahhhaaa! Id kick Chucks butt.........................Im a ninja :ph34r:
  11. That is cool I like he "oddballs" You seem to take good pics also
  12. Agree Feebay is a real pain and the rating system is very flawed. Seems more buyer freindly than seller freindly
  13. It doesn't count but Im tossing in my 2 cents. When a thread goes off track and needs move to "squabble zone" can you creat a duplicate thread and add it to SZ? I ask because some good threads go off and it would be a shame to move a whole thread that then maybe over looked my some people. Or maybe take out the individual posts and move those to SZ?
  14. I remember hearing about it but I couldnt tell you who,when or where cause I never put stock into the idea it reminds me of the gold and gem mines "salting" their dirt.
  15. What a nice find I agree that when finding marbles condition is secondary to just finding some marbles. I can spend hours digging in the dirt only to find some chipped up, dirty or just plain clear marbles and still call it a good day! Congrats on the find sounds like you had some fun and the BB gun and the rest is a cool bonus.
  16. Jo217 Thats FUNNY!!!!!!! :happy-857:
  17. Its Steve right? I see your only road is to mock/ridicule. Just like David Im sure it is under the guise of humor or lightening the mood ??? I for one am very disapointed all I heard for weeks were thing like "great David finally is comming to the internet" or "good David will share his marble knowledge via internet " and so on so forth but what did we really get? A guy that has lots of marble knowledge to share but for whatever reason be it ego,fame,stature can't come across other than full of himself.It took about three posts for me to get tired of the over use of fancy three syllable words ,dont get it twisted I know the meanings and the proper usage but come on its general marble talk not a darn graphic novel or a Harvard speech. Does he really talk like that in everyday conversations about things less than astrophysics. REALLY?? David your reputation was enought to make many of us listen so there is no reason to "show us" how smart you are thru your vernacular. Maybe MANY of us are reading you wrong David but this is how you come across via internet. Maybe we are all to "interneted"? When you talk face to face with someone you can read the emotions that come with the words but the internet is void of that so the words you use need to be choosen in a different mind set. Think about this a simple EMOTICON can relay what may take a dozen big words to get your point across. Strange isn't it this new word of the internet? I can say "hey so and so you suck!" and end it with a period. OR I can say "hey you suck" LOL Two totally different ways to come across and all it took was a little LOL. STRANGE HUH? Now before it gets turned again Im not suggesting you give up words for funny little characters Im just giving you, a guy that was supposed to do great things via internet some feedback as to why not everyone enjoys reading you post's Maybe some of us really are to stupid and its OUR fault we cant relate to you? Who really knows as these are just IMHO. Ok Ill stop know and read the replies but I have no plan to revist this thread so you guys get the last word so have at me
  18. Vitro Ox just has a different shade than Akro Ox kind of hard to describe but I know it when I see it. IMHO
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