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Everything posted by zigafoose

  1. I want to request a forum here you should call it "Fight Club" or whatever you want that way these feuds could be done and if you want in fine and if not fine don't read it. Just my 2 cents I think these thread can be good I mean everbody seems to know everybody so why not drop names? Instead of a twelve man jury it would be however many people want to be in on the thread. We all know talking behind peoples back is a regulat thing now days in the marble collecting community so why try to hide it?
  2. All I can say is Scott.....YOUR THE MAN! I just wish I could have been as lucky as you to live out a life long dream. Great looking marbles I would love to own as many as I could get my hands on!!!!! Pay no attention to any "negative nancy's" you did your thing and are proud of it and you should be........... See you on the other side......... PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Wow Griff it sure is a hard life ain't it!!??!?? Great Pics And as a side note.......Where the heck was I???? Cause I didnt see any marble's being played at Vienna.....oh well not the first time or the last time Ive been wrong about something....a pics worth a thousand words.................the room is empty????No tables? was it in the same room?.. And why are you feeding those pigeons???............................LOL
  4. Yes I will try to remember to snap a pic or two next time Im over there If I didn't know for 100% that it came from Mr Moore's hand I would not swear it was a Vitro, my dad had the pleasure to know him for many years. I have at length talked with many other mib collectors about Vitro Confettis so Im glad to see it brought up here. The ones from Raylens collection I was luck enough to find in a case at the Glass and Marble Museum when they first came in from California it was the best day ever had in my marble collecting life ,never had so much fun!!!!!!
  5. Notice how the book reads "All but a few of the Moore Confetti marbles were shipped to House of Marbles" Well believe it or not but my fauther has one of the Confettis that Mr Moore made it was handed to him direct from Mr Moore and he was told the story of the "approximately fifty 1 & 1/4" its a good looking mib but knowing it's real and came from a great man like Mr Moore makes it to him priceless! I have also been lucky enough to have had in my hands some of Confetties that are part of Raelyn's collection. I love them all if nothing else they are marble history.
  6. Just got home and was going to post that article and you "stole my thunder"........lol I was very very happy when I opened the newspaper today and front page marble news!!!!!!!!!! Great job by Mr Powell,Mrs Martin,Mrs Boyd and whoever else was involved. AWESOME!!!!!! :Cool_653:
  7. Great group of pics thanks for posting. WOW I love those Peacocks! Got my first Seese marble that day it's very easy on the eyes and those cabinets Mr Von Kliest are nice pieces of craftmanship
  8. Not to thread jack you but Ill believe it when I see it
  9. I didn't see it at the New Philli show,what do you mean unveiled? You mean you showed it to select people? Saw some real nice stuff while there and hate I didn't get to see that beauty!!
  10. HUH never noticed before but now I have a good reason to go thru my cats eyes
  11. In your opinion what book best covers Vitro? Thanks
  12. :Emoticon-jawdrop: I would run thru hell with gasoline pants on to own that !!!!!!
  13. 91.7% Thats all you need to know in MHO!
  14. Thats good to know :doh: Got the B right but everything else wrong............. I meet his wife at New Philli but I didn't remember her name,my bad.
  15. Yes Eddie Seese from Belmont WV he is a real nice guy and makes some beautifull marbles I bought a nice one from him at the show but he also is on Ebay (eddieseese) http://stores.shop.ebay.com/EDDIE-SEESE-AR...S__W0QQ_armrsZ1 I cant remember his brothers name I think maybe Brian.
  16. Went room to room last night as always good people and some nice stuff but only found about 20-25 rooms hoped for more but hey still had a good time also went up today,good to see Duffy(Thanks for the Bags),Griff,Dan Grocki and others also thanks to Mr and Mrs Brandstetter! Got to meet Steve Sturtz and Edna for the first time and want to say thanks and hope you like the Vitros! Bought my second and third handmades one from Sam Hogue and one from Eddie Seese both are beautifull!! Saw some great displays made by Curt Von Kleist Jr Now I at home thinking of ALL the other stuff that I wanted!!!!!
  17. Great looking!!! I have some cullet if your in need.
  18. **Adult Content** Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel....rotfl http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...:B:FSEL:US:1123 :Emoticon-jawdrop:
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