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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. Geeeze Craig. You have enough Parrots to start your own Avery.
  2. Ok good to know. I have put that one aside for ya. I have always called that colour "Powder Blue" that other I call "Sky Blue" thats why I asked what one you needed.
  3. Hey Edna Are either one of these the colour you need. Now I'm up and about again Marble Day can't be too far off
  4. Hey Edna. Just got around to unscrambling them today. Also got some more pics. Fooled with the lighting a bit and backed the macro back to the max. Seemed to come out Ok.
  5. Is it just me or is that Log in thing back?
  6. Singles Aaaaaaaahhhh screw this it's only letting me upload 425k at a time? Going to self pic hosting.
  7. Finally got some time to really enjoy these new Jabo Edna was kind enough to send to me. Never expected a whole little box, but here they are. Presented to me and everything. Pretty cool beans I'll say. I had a great time snapping pics of them except for the Aventurine and Ox ones. Those freeking things eat light like night. Still working on a light set-up that will bring the true colour out? The pics of them in the box came out great. Taken outside in the sun, but when I tried on a single marble the pics blew? I keep on it. Here are some pics of what I could capture. Thanks a whole bunch Edna. Your Jabo-rific. Marble On! Dave
  8. That sucks! Can it be changed back? I wonder what the 11 guests that are on right now are thinking?
  9. Not all Supermen come out of the ground. And in Canada no less.
  10. So when the hell is someone gonna send me some Jabos so I can have an opinion?
  11. Hope he pulled and it did not sell. What a total scam. Neat letter for sure but those marbles.... Did they even make guineas with a purple base?
  12. Is it just me or is 1924 real early for a marble trophy? Not my area of expertise by any means but I can't recall seeing anything that early for any marble trophy. Great score Brad.
  13. Keep in mind that Ravenswood made marbles that look a lot like Snotties. If WV Ron were around I would lay odds that he would call Bobs marble a Ravenswood. He had a nice little grouping of them at a show. This Marble was I.D as Ravenswood.
  14. Could light up a room with the glow from the base. The transparent red reaches in pretty much to the middle. Never seen anything like it except its twin that Corks. Subtle but beautiful marble.
  15. Man that is one nice looking Slag. Colour and form all in one. Niiiice.
  16. These are only marbles 3, 4 and 5 of this type I have ever come across here. The others were pretty nibbled. These ones came out of the same area as most of the others I have seen go by over the years. It is rather suspicious that so many come from within a 100 or so square km region.
  17. Thanks the sniffer was working today.
  18. Found these 3 today. The purple and orange is pretty cool. Don't come across these things everyday.
  19. There are a couple in this grouping that would fit with Alans description. Transparent Rainbos
  20. Mom is coming to kick some ass hahaha (sorry inside joke)
  21. Totally cool thread. Never have I seen so many examples of original Master Packaging before. Not sure about anyone else but I think this thread should be archived. This sort of info all in one place does not come along often.
  22. Those are some wicked yellow and black Corks. Almost look like Peltier hahaha NOT!!! I'm partial to that Old School Coloured purple and green myself. Don't see to many of those around.
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