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    Hamilton, Ohio
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    Marbles, Fishing, Music Production.

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  1. Not seeing Ravenswood as a possibility in any of the photo's here.
  2. Yup, it is a beauty, i got too see it in hand! Thanks for the other cat btw duff!
  3. LMFAO!!! Im telling ya Ron was Quick Draw Mcgraw!! Griff, don't let anyone fool ya, Ron, Bruce and i kind of kidnapped Galen and held him hostage Got too finally meet him and then see his collection, not sure if anyone seen him Thursday night but i wish i had a camera, it was a Kodak moment of him on his bed petting his row of CAC's
  4. Steve, i think you should aim for that one again also!! Keep me updated
  5. Damn Bubba, you been at it man, this is a pretty long thread for mostly your post on what mibs you where selling. It was like a Bubba mib marathon
  6. Right down to the pink base. That's the second one hes sold this month as CAC.
  7. I wouldn't hesitate one bit to call that a nice Alley Agate.
  8. Hot isn't the word, it was blazing, literally LOL
  9. Nice one Rick, i know those types date at least in the early 40's, could have been made earlier. The glass looks older than most Rainbo's, having them in hand they look like later NLR's and did come in shooter size.
  10. Yeah the one big one in the middle has the alternating Latt core, it has two white then two yellow and so on and so on, pretty cool mib.
  11. Wow, you got really lucky it didn't go into the Lutz, what a great looking mib!
  12. That 2incher is Here is a few Handmades, the one is over 2inches with a alternating color core, with some Lobed Onion Skins Both OS's are over 1 1/2 inches..
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