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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. Well then, as I said.....very nice and depending on the aesthetics/pattern and factoring size $75-$125 each with the blue being the sleeper. I'm somewhat removed from everyday values so I'm sort of winging it here. David
  2. Very nice. I'm figuring maybe 5/8" and 11/16"? If the blue is well pronounced and it does looks sweet swirling around with that '9' then that's a pricey MF marble. Do they all have blue within? Definitely need to be kept together. David
  3. I think your Y,B&W one w/aventurine is exceptional; definitely noteworthy.* Can't quite fashion the other as a full-fledged Fruit Salad; looks like it needs to get mixed up a little more.** David *Cool Transparent Rainbo **On a second appraisal have concluded that it is properly mixed up to qualify.
  4. 29 days left on that auction! What's up with that? Great issue. I've managed to accumulate a couple extra copies of it over time along with the May 10, 1937 issue of LIFE magazine. I think the more obscure and equally wonderful issue is the Winter Issue #20 1978 of "The Co Evolution Quarterly" (Sold for $3.50 back then/$12 a year) On the front and back cover were color pics of Richard Marquis' marbles with comment on Contents page. Incidentally this was their 10th Anniversary issue with 40 spectacular pages devoted to the Whole Earth Jamboree with photos and testimonial statements from all the ol' guys! Gawd only knows how I managed to come by a couple copies of this issue! David
  5. The current issue (arrived today) of the West Virginia Marble Collectors' Club Newsletter Issue #34 Apr. 2011 has a 6 page illuminating interview by Harrison Jones covering Dave McCullough's life from childhood to the present. Yearly dues in the club which include 4 excellent newsletters is $20 to Bob Neff, 531 Third Street, Marietta OH 45750. [email protected] http://www.WestVirginiaMarbleCollectorsClub.com Check it out.....David
  6. Mike, Navigating the Boards and retaining any semblance of lucidity often requires a minimum of mind-altering substances. David
  7. I'm waiting for an explanation as to what Kugler Glass is. Got me there. Especially considering I have 138 of them pee wees! David
  8. Richard McKnight, Ron Ewers and David McCullough -David
  9. Well alright Edna. Excuse me if semantics may have somehow given the impression that I had only now finally realized that Ron had arrived. Hard to imagine how anyone could have thought I was in the dark considering my laudatory remarks about his knowledge and character forever. David
  10. You and me both Edna. I got something like a 20 lb. Medium Flat Rate Priority pkg. yesterday from Ron and I've been sorting and resorting and refining and getting to know the marbles intimately. Oops, I'll try not to be too graphic about them but those variously named Parsons(mp92PARSONS@YAHOO. COM) marbles have got to be in the running for one of the finest runs ever. I had a hard time narrowing it down to a premium plastic case of 35 marbles! Then, there were the Odyssey Plus, Ladies First, Buckeye Run, R-D-R Run, ET Crystals and the Kugler Glass Pee Wees whatever the heck those are! I've got the serious makings of a new Jabo article! Some of the bulk was designated as 'cold roll' but for many of them you couldn't have told by me! I have to say that Ron goes to the head of the class.....again. David
  11. Apology fully accepted! Nothing like a clean slate.....David
  12. I'm of much the same mind. There's machine-made marbles and then there's hand mades and never the twain shall meet or sumthin' like that. You just can't beat that natural look. David
  13. I'm not sure this will work but I'll give it a shot. A while back my buddy Clyde Tuller suggested that we Post some Marble Stories at Tom Reeds marble board just to liven-up matters. Well, I posted at least a half doz. stories going all the way back to the early 1990s. I think you'll get a kick out of them. The link should be below. When you get there go to Post Related Marble Info. thread and then to Marble Stories. I think they all pass muster and are relatively benign. David http://tomreedsmarblehalloffame.yuku.com/directory
  14. Actually there were some discordant strains(off key) in there but when you put them all in a blender.....Voila! It's the curse of having perfect pitch! David
  15. Interconnected celestial orbs; what a perfect metaphor! Do not miss the last 2 1/2 minutes. David
  16. Just a heads-up. Someone, in all likelihood Tom Reed or Scott Patrick, is Posting using my name at Patrick's Board. It is really rather laughable seeing the jerks who are responding to it. If anyone wasn't aware, except for this one Post, I am not Posting on any marble boards for the foreseeable future. David Edit: An afterthought.....I have never posted on Patrick's Board(s) and consider anyone who does complicit in the filth that permeates his Threads.
  17. The way I figure it it goes beyond being inspired; the person has to have a naturally devious mind. David
  18. Amazing, some 'same cane' agates. LOL David
  19. I love that too! Surface abrasion equals naturally grainy surface. Some of these descriptions are inspired. David
  20. Your Prize Winner looks like a Vitro Hybrid that is attempting to turn inside-out on itself or actually has accomplished the fact. David
  21. That's what we like about you Duffy, you have no shame! David
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