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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. Honest Injun....the very last thing on earth I would care to get involved in on Christmas Day is another go-around (And that is all it ever seems to be) is the CAC Exotic Controversy.....talk about conspiracies). But with an extra effort you might have dug deeper than 2009 because this matter goes all the way back to 2001 and was discussed with some regularity at shows, on marble Boards, in marble newsletters, etc. I, where I felt it was acceptable, provided the names of numerous marble people who I either asked specifically for opinions in the matter or who flat out volunteered, some of them being Ken Fung, Brian Estepp, Les Jones, Mike Art (who incidentally was at the pipeline dig from the first shovelful on), Robert Brown, etc. Initially when personally tasked I contacted about a dozen CAC people around the country for opinions. Granted that 2009 lengthy Board dip into the matter did not name names but I had no intention of bringing any grief to the people who had opinions on the subject pro or con. For any of you who wonder what these marbles actually look like there are numerous great photos of them on the cover of Baumann's 4th Edition(2004). Paul got grief for putting them on the cover from none other than Hansel De Sousa! ....while we're naming names..... This matter has hardly been something clothed in secrecy. David
  2. And 'wonkers' as well! These Citrus Marbles have been in play for a long time and are well established as legit. David
  3. When you plug in Peltier Citrus for a Search you get 200 results with this thread here as the latest. Could you be a little more specific? David
  4. Alan, That Refrigerator(Maytag) salesman would have been Jesse White who also had a pivotal role as a foil to the doctors in the play HARVEY, incidentally the same play in which I was once cast as the Cab Driver who ferried Elwood P. Dowd to the nut house! David
  5. Although the furnace brick does detract from the beauty of the marble I've found over the years that it does add a small premium to already interesting marbles. David
  6. Have to admit that the promotional name "Poor Man's Sulphides" was rather inventive. Unfortunately it is a common occurrence and often irritatingly so. Still, there are people who get off on marbles with oven brick. David
  7. Nice.....and especially the way you caught that glow. Did those have lids? I recall seeing those in the Hardy's back room Museum with the rings and I thought they had lids but then I was mainly concentrating on the marbles......mind blower enough! Cool Cobra! Could call it a 'Horseshoe Cobra!' I think the five main distinct varieties from the Joker II Oxblood Series (7-27-2008) were the Cobra, the Blue Cobra, the Sub-Marine, the Brick and the Wire Pull. The Investor participants stayed away from also utilizing the Cyclone name I believe figuring they'd already pretty much invaded ancient oxblood territory not that it held back anyone possessing the marbles subsequently. Cool......David
  8. I think I'd prefer to stay within my own ignorant comfort zone! David
  9. Right Clyde. I've been around long enough to have come to that same conclusion and do not consider values in books sacrosanct nor do I consider values obtained on eBay sacrosanct or true. The personal value that I place on my own marbles is what I consider 'true' and I don't care if it doesn't correlate with a book value or the current market as expressed by an eBay auction or some sale that might transpire at Canton in February 2011. And quite frankly, this is why just about every antique and collectible book, marbles or otherwise, has a page "On Pricing" in which declarations of helplessness are protested about taking seriously the values attributed within the book. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, most people ignore this advice. If I quote a value for something I find it rather painful to have to go through this whole rigamarole to halfway justify the slipperiness of the price quoted. But I'm sure you understand this more than most people. David
  10. Killer flame movement and wonderfully rich color. David
  11. Sweet little slag. The blue and white one does look Alley. The whole group is promising....numerous companies represented. I'm afraid that the biggie is beyond the pale looking like it's almost ready to cave in on itself. Be interesting to hear what Rich thinks about it from your photo perspective. But the group of machine mades looks like a lot of fun. David
  12. My comment in Post #5 is not regarding the #116 Box it is in regards for example to the Popeye box shown in AMMM (2006), Six, Metzler & Johnson pg. 28 and identified with 5 limeades, 5 lemonades and 5 silver oxbloods Value $1,600 to $1,800. David
  13. And your earlier post was taken as such......David
  14. jormibut........ Huh? I honestly ask you Board Members is this the character of the discourse you feel is deserving of any of us? Wherein have I warranted such juvenile a response? It is this manner of "contribution" that really sets a nasty tone and is reason enough assuming it is allowed to continue that will bring my contributions and participation to a hault and I thought that things were going rather well. David
  15. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree about this one. The way I see it is that he put up for Auction marbles under false pretenses. He put up for Auction marbles that he has no intention of selling. His Reserve is ludicrous. Just because he's a nice guy doesn't mean that it is any less unfair what he has perpetrated on an unsuspecting marble collecting public. I just don't understand how this is so difficult to grasp. Also no matter what the Auction goes to it is not going to tell him squat about the true value of his marbles considering the disparity in the matter of condition as has so clearly been established in this back 'n' forth(Dings and hits sound pretty serious to me). David
  16. Yes, the box is shown in a couple marble books and identified as such to have these three types of marbles. David
  17. By the way, that "Edith" mistake was meant to be "Edit:" Duh. I'll go back and correct that. Yes, he has told us what is going on but the people who are bidding on eBay don't have the foggiest idea of what is happening unless they were eBay wise enough to do the trick of Bidding a ridiculous amount and then withdrawing it. And they are wasting their time in an auction of dubious marble condition during the Christmas Holiday and probably doing a major budgetary reorientation to pull this off. I realize that eBay is a major pitfall for marble collectors but this just compounds the mistrust that exists there already. I don't think 'sham' is too harsh a word and I did indicate that I hated to state it as such. The idea of $750,000 is, of course, pure fantasy, not that I don't Day Dream occasionally. Mine is a dig uncovering a metal box with gold coins. So far I've only found the occasional Mercury Dime, Buffalo Nickel, Indian Head, etc. Otherwise I find Ron to be a perfect pleasant chap but I'm afraid going at this in the wrong way and he has the opportunity now to bring it to a close and I see nothing wrong with suggesting it. David P.S. Re your add'l Post Steph. Ron has not confessed to the people on eBay unless you know something I don't know.
  18. Gotta bring Duffy's thread back up to the top 'cause I just got a selection (5/8", 3/4" and 1"-) of about 60 or 70 marbles from this run and while I've usually found the 1" marbles made by Jabo to not be too particularly inspired these are unreal. As fine as some of the finest 3/4" marbles they have made. Each one having full integrity whereas often with 1" marbles the pattern seems to get lost and the colors seem to run out. These are over-the-top gorgeous and the 3/4" ones ain't bad either but the 1" ones excel. David
  19. Looks good. Original marbles. This boxed set did not have Popeye marbles and the marbles indicated are original to this box. Assuming the marbles are NM or Mint then value is $2000+. David
  20. Galen, I just have to say that your '4' post totally cracked me up. I would also like to point out that I have a 3/4"- or 19mm (less than 1/64" from a shooter), wet mint minus condition, Sky Blue, Yellow and Orange Shooter Flame Swirl. A great example of the Sky Blue color with the Christensen Agate striation patterns in the color. The Orange color also has some mottled appearance which is also another Christensen Agate trait. The wide flat flames have a fiery shape and movement. A very colorful marble not diminished in the least by its paltry flame count! David Oops! Forgot the kicker here which is that this magnificent Christensen Shooter Flame Swirl has 2 1/2 flames!
  21. I was just thinking that it would be a kind gesture to the people who are sincerely bidding in this auction and would greatly desire to own them if you ponied-up about what was actually going on and brought the auction to a close. There's a certain cruelty to what is transpiring. It would seem to me from the information you have received and how matters have so far progressed that you would have to have reached some surmise although I can't imagine how you can reconcile the lots value based on the world of difference between your stated description of NM to Mint and your later information about so many of the larger swirls and onionskins having dings and hits. You'd do best to take a blind stab at potential value or pick up a marble auction catalog with realized prices from one of the reputable Auction Houses (Morphy's). I hate to put it this way but your auction is a bit of a sham! David Chamberlain Edit: You even have people on Facebook talking about your auction as if it were the greatest thing to have ever come down the pike.....
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