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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. hi gang, just got a text from Paul. He says thanks to all, he appreciates all the good wishes!! He unfortunately can't use his laptop to post....because some creepo broke into his house and stole it! (and a few other things too!) such a bummer! damn!
  2. WOOHOO!!! Hope it was great!! SEE YA SATURDAY!!
  3. hmm.. not sure I follow this, gutta starts out as a latex, but it is changed and used as several different forms. You say rosin. rosin, if I am correct with the term, is also something made from trees and pitch etc. The old mantel clock casements made from Gutta are considered a type of resin, pre bakelite. Yet they are still gutta. Heating anything gutta will change the structure dramtically, making it soft. I think the marble is Gutta. We (the IAMC) sawed one in half. It gave off sparks! I think the basic confusion is trying to figure out what else it was mixed with!Pure gutta? probably not, composite with gutta? I believe that gutta is pre-elastolin. gutta was being used as early as the middle 1800's, where as elastolin wasn't being used until the 1920's or so.(without looking it up.lol) just a thought anyway.........
  4. to look at it, you would think it is wood, or a laminate made to look wood, however it is actually made from recycled paper! it's tough as nails. takes a special diamond tip to make the divots the marbles sit in. oddly too, it is light weight.
  5. Hi All, pictured is a beautiful marble holder our new son in law made. pictures don't do it justice. it is absolutely gorgeous! He made us a couple, the other has the colors reversed. Does anyone think there could be a market for these gems? I know he put a lot of work into it. and he really had fun making them. I thought I would throw a couple pictures out there and get opinions? I plan on using them not only for display, but the sides have enough room to put little price tags under each marble. thought it would be great at shows. thanks! ~D
  6. hey girlfriend! Good to see ya! size is just under 3/4".
  7. Don't very often find something like this beauty in the wild. thanks for looking!
  8. never heard of them.lol but I would think it would be similar to this one I just sold? akro cork
  9. hi Mike! I will take some pics ofit uplit when I get a chance... the cloth it's on is a dark charcoal-black, so I left it rather than lighten it because that's how she looks in person. lol but you made it a little easier to see patterning for sure. :-)
  10. no base color, clear. lol yeah looks more like rick's and bubba's for patterning.
  11. it's a weirdo Steph. yeah it looks kinda amber when you're just looking at it. back lit it is pretty clear. it has so many twists and turns in it, I think it just refracks the light oddly. I honestly thought the base an amber too until I uplit. lol
  12. purple and lavender ribbons on a basically clear base. if that helps :-) we were leaning towards alley, but it's always good to get other's thoughts!
  13. Just thought I'd ask opinions on this pretty little thang...
  14. lol steph. it's not easy by any means. I hate to admit I was up for 30 hours doing this. obsessed? yes! hubby found some I found a couple, but I haven't found the medallion yet! only Ernie got one. I went out again this morning for a little while, but it's cold and wet, and I am still tired from the last couple days. sleep was good thing last night!
  15. Here's a link that explains these beautiful 'monkeyshine' balls we found. We are avid hunters of these. It's become a tradition here, a family one at that. we all go out in the cold, sometimes rain and sleet, endure the elements and hunt across the city for hours for these! The bottom picture is one of the glass medallions. we only found one of these, hopefully in the days to come we might find another.(keeping fingers crossed!)enjoy! MONKEYSHINES!
  16. a huge loss. You will be missed Bo, our friend. This picture was taken at Vegas 2009. Bo was not suppose to go anywhere, and he told us both, he wanted to come and that was that. We will miss our long, long phone conversations. :-(
  17. shameless plug, but had some great deals listed to share. thanks for lookin!
  18. how about a naked 5 color, almost triple twist, razor ribbon, and over 1"..rare.
  19. not long ago, all corals were thought to be CAC. things change.lol and they were all worth more then too.
  20. never heard of them thar 'mud snakes'. rofl but yeah we have some like it.
  21. ok, I could be wrong here, but I thought this type was pretty much thought of as a champ swirl. did I miss something? please help. coral cac? a champ...
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