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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Thanks, I love those too! You might appreciate these next few I got finished.
  2. Home from the Vegas show and made a few fun finds. I was mainly after Alley so I figure I will post them here. Might take me a few days to do all the pics but here is a start.
  3. Since I will be at the show and won't have much time to post, let me say Happy Halloween a little early. You kids be safe out there and don't eat any round glass candy no matter how good it looks! Here is my spookiest marble for the season
  4. Thank you, I know the Tiger eyes are super tough to find large. I don't know if that applies to others. It does seem to be that I don't see many or have many 7/8, infact only two now. This one and a Tigereye. =}
  5. No clue Steph, have they been HTF in the past? The guy that gave this to me found six in an auction, is keeping 4 and the last one is on ebay as we speak.
  6. This one just appeared in my mailbox today, a nice little 7/8 surprise.
  7. You have your work cut out for you. I think you should be able to add plenty of content. =}
  8. Hmm, I have a bullet mold that is just like yours but no swirl side. Another to look for now. =}
  9. lol I do love my oddballs, if I ever decide to let it go I will let you know. No much of a seller. More of a marble hoarder. =}
  10. That is all I can think of. Yes but how does a chunk of the rod get stuck and break or melt off?
  11. Well unless the ceramic rod was tipped with metal I would have to say no. The magnet moves the marble.
  12. Found a magnet just out of curiosity. It is surely metal as it does react to the magnet.
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