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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. You know by now which ones to gather for me! =} just shoot me an email. =} Nice bucket full!
  2. LOL That shipping just might break me ehh? =}
  3. Guess I was a little slow in typing. lol
  4. No worries Bud. The name and type are not flip flops, that is just a term used to describe the trait. The trait that the colors on one side of the seam are flipped on the other side of the seam.
  5. Bin...at listed price. Thank you. =}
  6. I believe most call them Champagnes.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving Galen, nice beard on that turkey.
  8. Have a great day and here's a few turkeys to get you started.
  9. LOL I can't blame you, I would have bought it too. And that Anacortes one.....hey send it home. =}
  10. I have not seen one like it but I have to lean Vitro as well.
  11. Yes, that is how it looks in hand too. I have to choose which to follow. lol The trans red is a really cool cherry red. Look forward to seeing the purple base Chuck.
  12. Likely just a matter of not over exposing the white. It tends to be pretty easy to do on nearly all white marbles.
  13. I thought I had post mine here but it is not here. It was a gift from Raelyn. The biggest collection that I have had in hand {19=20 different combos} where Ernie and Dani's boy Dillons.
  14. Thanks Steph, just added that one today. I liked the transparent cherry red.
  15. I wish that one were mine Scott. lol Love that pattern. Thanks Al, I would like to see another on an Aventurine marble. Just for comparison sake.
  16. That also crossed my mind, just had not seen the likes before. Thank you.
  17. I am guessing it may have gotten to hot, but I am not positive and only on half to such an extreme?
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