Something I have never seen before. They say the time to buy something is when you have never seen it before. I love it. I would love some input as to what might have happened here. It was a Shimmering spruce but? It appears that something cause some of the green and Av to turn this coppery red metallic. Anyone ever seen something like this. I think I will call it my Christmas Spruce! =}
I think some call this a pea soup or something like that. I am not sure if that name goes with Rainbo's or an NLR. If it is a new NLR name I might call this one peas and carrots lol
Nice marble, not super common and that one has nice solid color to it.
Now here is a fun little Bo....grey being not so common and then it being near transparent backlit.
Having flipped threw it, I can say I will be at the head of the line to snatch up a copy. Nice work, great pics start to finish. Looking forward to it Sami. .