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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Dave that is a new combo for me! Nice!
  2. I love the never ending combos and configurations! Nice stuff guys!
  3. All nice stuff guys but Dave that first one deserves some more views and viewing!
  4. Newest addition, Jolly Blue Giant. Just like the Jolly Green Giant but blue base. Same soft glass makes for condition issues but looks much better and shines with tons of Av in hand.
  5. Jolly Blue Giant.....yep, just like the Jolly Green Giant full of Av but blue! Less than mint but I am not complaining. Try and find one. =}
  6. Welcome Linda. Look around and enjoy.
  7. Nice blue's everyone! Mibs, that is a beaut!
  8. Welcome, lots of good info and even better people here. Enjoy!
  9. Good to see you are among the living once again!
  10. I too think Steph has it. I have a small group of these They are kind of cool.. A while back you could find them sold in gift bags or individually in a basket on the counter of antique or gift shops.
  11. Thanks Disco! And Bud, some of my favorite.
  12. It has slowed and I get it but man I like it here! Also I would hate to see all the info lost.
  13. Strange looking marble, I would like to see more views of it.
  14. I have not had time to construct and shoot a new card so you will have to do with the old one for one more year. Merry Christmas to you all and may you all have a safe and wonderful time with your friends and family!
  15. I am not up on my MK but for what it is worth, that is not the feel I get. Almost has an odd Pelt feel but not. I look forward to hearing what everyone comes up with,
  16. Yes he did, been a while since I have heard his name.
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