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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Agree with Hoody, that Air trap is stellar. so simple yet not. Beautiful!
  2. Sounds good to me! Nice bunch of Ox above, very nice!
  3. I think it is likely Velliglass as Winnie has said. I guess at this point I am wanting to see something that leaves no other option. lol Thanks for that pic and for looking out for my mental health, when you find it ann, give me a shout. lol
  4. Well I just went and looked threw the past Velliglass threads and I believe at one time we must have both conceded that it was Velliglass. I guess I will call this a double check as I still have things about it that bother me. I have seen ribbons on no others with the ribbons like this has, thick heavy, color on both sides of the white and Opaque ribbons on transparent base. The pattern certainly could be right for Velliglass, but I would say there are Alley patterns close as well. Either way I love it as it will fit great into one of my boxes. =} Ya know I think I can help answer my own question. I got this marble from a shop. It came mixed with a few Alley but there was one marble that I thought had to go with this one directly. Same base, same colors but the pattern coverage is fuller and there was no flamey type pattern. Sure looks like they should be brothers and maybe that will help sort them. Ever seen this pattern in the Velliglass Winnie?
  5. So, Winnie....you have seen others with these same characteristics? I have seen most if not all of your Velliglass posts and can't say I have seen anything that I could solidly link them up. Could you post a couple for me that might show me the traits that confirm it for you. And how common is this if in fact it is Velliglass? Color combo and pattern wise. Thank you, just trying to put it in the right box. =} have a big soft spot for this swirl. =} Thanks for the offer Ann, however I have a soft spot for this swirl. But thanks for looking out for me. =}
  6. A few years back I showed you {Winnie} a swirl that I was trying to ID, I wanted to check your thoughts once again. At the time you did not believe you recognized it as European origin' maybe Velliglass, Ron at the time thought it Either Euro of if not then it had some Alley traits. I checked with him once more and he said if you did not recognize it he would have to go with Alley. So I ask you, have you any different feelings on this guy now days? Thank you for having a look. 5/8
  7. So what kind of pontil are on the machine mades? =}
  8. A dark and seedy long lost cousin? lol
  9. Kinda like this contemp as well, the colbalt core almost un noticed. Need to redo the pic and rid it of the dust. =}
  10. We need a like button! lol I love all these that everyone is posting and Winnie, that on rocks!
  11. Who needs diamonds, right Steph? lol Chuck, I have heard some call them that and some simply a Blue/green Av swirl. I think either fit.
  12. Thanks Ric, just a bit over 9/16. Closer to 9/16 than 5/8
  13. No problem Ric, and yes I can see what you are seeing there.
  14. Love my Alley, but I think there is some room to squeeze in a random swirl here and there. I don't see there being any confusion over these and they seem to be a slight departure from the norm in Vacor. =} Have to say, the last one there slightly reminds me of CAC.
  15. Here are 3 of my favorites out of the box. Notice they are slightly different in colors. I found only one with green in it along with the blue. Her
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