I have always had the good fortune to be home while expecting marbles. At least near by. Still as I check the tracking number 6=8 times a day for updates and wonder if the address is correct, even though it is always the same address that I received marbles at before. The thought of the little orbs losing their way drives me nuts. Then if I am out running errands and get the notification that they were delivered.....sometimes it says, left on your porch! Uhg, they'll be gone by the time I get there! I rush home leaving my errands in a panic to find them in my locked mailbox. lol One of these days I will get a ticket on the way. The only other instance that gets my blood pressure up, is the pending countdown of an auction, whether on ebay or not, as I watch the close the last three or 4 minutes, I start to get sick, sweat, cold sweaty hands, dripping forehead, gut churning feeling week......makes that last bid difficult to type in as I shake. I swear I need to get some meds for panic attacks so I can survive those last few minutes. It does not seem to matter if it is a relatively common marble or a prized HTF marble that I think has went slightly un noticed. And one wonders why I prefer to find my marbles in the wild! lol