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Everything posted by Delbert

  1. Hmmmmmm, noob that I am, I can only guess that yours might be a double ingot because of the larger than usual size. It's sho-nuff nice looking.
  2. Well, I would be interested in making marbles if I could make money at it.
  3. Yeah, I bought a handful for my daughter. When they come, I'm sure she'll love them. Mike sure makes some beauties. An update: I ordered the marbles Saturday morning and they were delivered today, Monday. Amazingly fast shipping and the marbles are beautiful. My daughter was thrilled. Thanks, Mike. Great work. These are her first handmades.
  4. He should state in the description that it's a fantasy box, and he doesn't. Counterfeit fits as a description if a seller is leaving room for the buyer to come to a false conclusion. I'd like to buy 121 mint Akros, but not in a fake box and not all the same color.
  5. Gremlin is deliberately deceptive in his/her descriptions, to put it mildly. To be more accurate, I'd classify that seller as a liar & ripoff artist, but then I'm kind of plain-spoken.
  6. Oh, yeah. Canned Heat was THE blues band among my set in the late 60s. Boogie With Canned Heat and Hallelujah are two of the all time great albums from those days. I read that Bob Hite did some recordings with various New Orleans artists in the '70s but haven't found any copies.
  7. Great marbles and your prices are very good, too. I'd like to get the last one pictured in your post for my daughter if it's still available.
  8. So, the black box in the auction is counterfeit, but the marbles are genuine? I would be more interested in a lot of those marbles if they were an assortment and weren't in a bogus box.
  9. Delbert

    Vitro Opals

    Only those two of the pics came out, but the helmet configuration is there. The center striping runs front to back along the top as I read Vitro helmet lines ran( when there is a line). That pic of the front, or face opening of the helmet shows the base glass and it's pretty obviously opalescent glass. Of course, this marble may not be a Vitro at all, but the base glass is opal. That's all I can say for sure. I'll try again tomorrow and see if I can get pics that show the patch area so you can see the helmet shape.
  10. Are these a contemporary handmade type?
  11. Delbert

    Vitro Opals

    Here are two pics of a 9/16" helmet. I'm having trouble getting pics in forcus and these two are the only two of 8 that cem out. The base glass is opalescent, with blue color when the light shines directly into it and orange-ish glints in the deepest part.
  12. Here are a few pics of the one I meant: Here are a couple of pics of the handful from the mall:
  13. OK, if I find more, I'll trade for some Champions.
  14. Yes, that one you posted in the ID forum looks like the one I pointed out. I responded to the thread that I had just gotten one like the one you showed. Cool color combo.
  15. Bottom row, 2nd from the left...I just scored one of those in a handful from an antiques mall. The base glass is a very mild pink and the swirl is that translucent emerald green. Mine isn't wet mint like that one, but it's clearly from that line. Thanks for the pics. Those are some beauties.
  16. In your photo software in the edit feature you should have the tab for "save as". Open that and under the drop down for resize, select "best for web" or thumbnail. and save. Then when you upload it's already sized for the forum's file size limits.
  17. This bullseye is a recent Marblealan auction win, also faceted, but much finer work than my old fave Carnelian agate.
  18. Here's my favorite hand faceted. It's a Carnelian with some very nice effects and kind of rough base faceting.
  19. Whew! I thought you were about to give away my secret search word "merbals". Glad nobody knows that one but me.
  20. OK, these are a day late, but here are some of mine: All are under 1/2" and there's a 9/16" Bumblebee for size reference. I like the black speckled crock and that amber clearie, which has a cherry-red swirl in it.
  21. Try holding it up at eye level and look at the curve as you rotate it. If it's hand faceted, you'll see the facets right away. Machine made spheres are just round like a marble, without any facets.
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