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Everything posted by SplattmanSS

  1. That red looks familiar....Hmmm K....o.....k.... S~
  2. A big "Welcome" aboard to you.......... :happy-857: S~
  3. I will be bringing some quality marbles for sale, handmades and uncommon machine-mades.....Any requests? S~
  4. Thanks to all.....I had a great day, and made a new resolution! I'm going to go in reverse now, next year I'll 'turn' 44....lol Thanks again S~
  5. Ahhh, lets raise a glass to the metal gods.... I have pics of these 2, have more but not pics.....Metal on!!!! S~
  6. Ahhh, if you wanna horsehair it, well.................. here's some horsehair swirls S~
  7. I picked up a set locally, available at KOG's gift shop,and took some pics. I have mixed reviews about them, but will maybe wait for a few more opinions before stating mine publicly.. S~
  8. 2010 run of Kokomo Opalescent Glass Co. marbles? They are currently available and I am soliciting opinions from those who have picked up some..... S~
  9. I've never attended this particular show, but have friends who have. I've been told that there are mostly contemporary artists. The overall impression was that it is generally a good time and my friends were pleased that they went.... I grew up in that area and would like to attend when my schedule doesn't conflict...I will say that the area is a beautiful place and rich with history.. S~
  10. None of these have less then 3 separate colors... Awesome Akro: Sparkler: Master's: Our own Madman Marbles: Hybrid Cat's-eye: Peltier MCS: Vitro Tri-lite: S~
  11. Speaking of Stone's......They sure are pretty to look at. I'm NOT up on what type of stone any of these are, so I'll leave that to the ologists in that arena. What I DO know is that there were generally 2 methods in "producing" stone sphere's, by machine and by hand. I believe it was Galen who posted a picture of the hand-grinding process,(men laying on there stomachs using a large grinding stone to shape the stones into orb shapes),I have a few really nice examples here amongst the below pics. S~
  12. Here's a few to get this thread started Steph..... Blue Bennington: Brown Bennington: Fancy Bennington: Jasper, green & white: China,Helix: Ballot marble, Glass: Ballot marble, non-glass: S~
  13. Yes, the size is just a shave over 3/4".... I'm not sure I know what you mean by early "Ohio marbles"?? Can you expand a little for me please? I'll get a few more pics of the surface later this morning, but yup....crimped is very accurate,lol. Thanks S~
  14. This is a shooter with imperfection's, but has a really decent "glow"......Moonie? Who dun it, and is there a definitive way of pegging a maker of moonies? S~
  15. I decided to list some things on Ebay this week and next, if you have a minute, please take a look...Thanks S~ http://shop.ebay.com/splattmanss/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
  16. in the yard of Marble collector's house.... I found him hiding in the yard and had to ask a spider expert what it was.... The response I got was: This is Araneus marmoreus, an orb weaving spider (family Araneidae) known as the marbled orb weaver. see http://tinyurl.com/lnsaqv for images and more information. All orb weavers are harmless to humans. LOL, A marbled orb weaver S~
  17. I am no EXPERT, so I won't say the first Mib IS a Kokomo, but it still has my vote as such...Your second marble does look like an Agate to me... S~
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