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Everything posted by Steph

  1. But since I took so long to get back here and reply ... no to fictional, yes to real
  2. Yes or no, dude!
  3. I did a search to see if I gave this riddle here before. Didn't find it. So here goes. A man is at work. He wants to go home. But he can't because of the man in the mask. As with Rick's fire line riddle, you get to ask me yes or no questions until you figure out what's what. @Fire1981
  4. Hummina hummina hummina!
  5. I am a cereal girl. Could be Cheerios. Could be fancy oatmeal. Could be Weetabix. Could be cream of wheat (or malt-o-meal) fixed Indian style with dal and onion and chili. Used to could be Lucky Charms or other sugar cereal but now I only buy small packages of that and save them for a special late night snack a coupla times a year. Lately I've been craving Grape Nuts. May need to do that soon.
  6. Steph


    With this ribbon and seam pattern, I wouldn't say Master. So yeah, with this pattern, I would say Peltier.
  7. Old Fashion is a style name of a Vacor de Mexico marble which looks very much like vintage swirls. Made from 1996 to 2003. Some samples from the Billes-en-tete site: DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  8. I didn't think of modern until I read Rick's post. Still could be vintage. Not a rainbo though. Maybe one of the lesser known WV swirl companies?
  9. The top definitely looks modern. I would have thought Mexican. But I do know there are now some Asians which resemble the Vacor de Mexico lline.
  10. Aw shucks! Thanks. That was fun.
  11. The cabin of a plane?
  12. Was it some other kind of cabin than we expect to find in the woods?
  13. Good eye, Charlie
  14. Were they conjoined twins?
  15. I started to ask if they died of starvation, but that probably wouldn't have happened at the same time. Were they electrocuted?
  16. I picked a bad time to be absent. Glad to hear they're taking it to the next level in trying to find a solution for this cycle.
  17. Did they die before the invention of the airplane?
  18. Sorry for your loss. Welcome to the forum. Among the photos, I am seeing some vintage, some modern, none what I would call antique.
  19. Did they die at the same time?
  20. Gorgeous toys. And everything makes so much sense that I feel I should have figured it out years ago. That part about the need to continue exporting toys to get foreign currency was an interesting bonus. Thanks again.
  21. I assume "suicide" is the one that's kind of close because smoke inhalation would be too natural and this is a riddle. So to tweak it a little I will ask if it was murder-suicide.
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