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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Loving the sharp brightness of the middle two. Thanks for the bump! (Gentle p.s. -- I would not have the left with my Veiligglas and I'm wondering if the right marble might be a Ravenswood, which wouldn't be a bad thing!)
  2. Hi Scott. Do you see something like this at the bottom of the posting window? I clicked on the "choose files" option and chose this image from my computer.
  3. Thanks for checking in. This is pretty sad. Literally no one? Shocking. But overall, it sounds very nice. Happy for you.
  4. Yes, Anacortes would by my first choice on those.
  5. Totally Pelt. And yeah, I agree some kind of error. I don't know what conditions contributed to the error.
  6. How weird is it that I can't remember if I have a pink champagne? If I were a pink champagne where would I be?
  7. Are you asking about this patch? My first thought was Peltier.
  8. well done Could it be Champion on the purple? I can't tell if I'm seeing a swirl or not. What do you mean by 8 strips?
  9. Interesting. I was about to say Master.
  10. Was going to say Alley on all. But a slightly seedy quality to the white base glass is making me wonder about the Heaton or Cairo Novelty possibility on those two.
  11. Chad, are you thinking the marble is from the most recent runs, like the 1990s to the present? I am seeing mostly opposing colors on the poles for Scott's. A green patch on one end and the rest of the green forming enough of a circle to allow a fair sized black patch on the other end. That's why I put it as sort of "mid-vintage". Somewhere between the marble you showed and the more modern ones with simple green patches on either end.
  12. I think of the classic Rainbows as being 1955 to 1965. Right or wrong, when they are like yours with a patch and ribbon pattern but where the dark color is the base glass, I think of them as being from around 1965 to 1975. I once saw an ad which made me doubt my thoughts on this subject. So if someone knows more I would love to hear it and hopefully I'll remember it.
  13. Four years later, I still owe more pics of this bag of marbles. *sigh* I took one today. While I was in the neighborhood I hunted up this thread. I'll leave my bag out and try to make to make myself do more. I wish the detail on that blue one. It's has more on the surface than the purples, a slightly more Conqueror look. Funny ... all Gail asked for back then was a "swoosh" to see some different sides. I remembered it as a request for something much more involved. That's how badly I pressure myself over photos. *sigh* Here's a swoosh. Enlarges pretty big if you click enough.
  14. I'm not ruling out Anacortes yet. I have a single Anacortes bag, so it's small sample and I do what I can with it. I pulled out some purples for the color and the blue for structure. Of course my phone sucks. Everyone else's takes crisp photos of insects 100 yards away. Mine turns scenes into water color paintings. But in hand I like the structural comparison between yours and my blue one.
  15. That's the thing I have noticed about Red Cloudys. Going both by pictures and by an assortment I got early on in my collecting and got rid of before I knew what I had. Here's a picture (not mine). The reds look different.
  16. I could see Master for it. But I could also see something like Marble King. And Chuck's Champs do make one think. P.s., without having a lot of samples to go by, I have gotten the impression that the Red Cloudys could have a different overall look from the other colors. A less homogeneous, less translucent look.
  17. It falls into the category of common, so my first impulse was to say under a dollar. However, people selling on facebook seem to be getting a minimum of $5 plus shipping for things that I think are worth a few cents. So your mileage may vary.
  18. I am leaning Marble King. A weak "patch and ribbon" pattern.
  19. Steph

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    Corals have a certain something!
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