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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Profile pic

    @bumblebee are there any profile pic uploading issues which have come to your attention? Or any tech advice? William, I haven't learned much about editing photos on phones. Maybe someone else will see this and have helpful advice. But in the meantime if you want to post the image here or message me then I can get it to your profile.
  2. Steph

    Profile pic

    You're welcome. Sweet mib. ❤️
  3. Steph

    Profile pic

    I checked your file size and it appears to be 57.2 kb. That should have been small enough. Did you try to upload it and it was rejected? I uploaded it for you. I hope that's okay. I saved your old pic in case you weren't quite ready to make the switch.
  4. Welcome. The blue marble is ceramic. It's called a Bennington. It was made in Germany between about 1850 and 1930. Might need more views of the yellow and green. My first thought is a Peltier patch.
  5. Steph

    Profile pic

    I use Windows Paint to resize. But also you could send it to me.
  6. Fun. I don't have that one. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Wouldn't have guessed it was Mexican!
  8. Actually now that I think of it, I got one or two others with this one. I need to find them I suspect I would find some traces of green. I suspect that's why I have this single shot ready at hand and not the group photo. I was trying to make the Akro-lookalike point. Having other colors showing would have muddied the illusion.
  9. This is one of my Jabo oxbloods. I don't know what other colors might have been in other marbles from this run. I chose this particular marble because it compared so well with Akro.
  10. I imagine the workshop size varied. I have been under the impression that there were many shops, sometimes small ones whose names we will never know. But I think the low wages and child labor parts are correct.
  11. Pelt Rainbos to me.
  12. Steph


    I would be interested in trying to back-up my belief with packaging but I am doing the chicken-without-a-head routine right now. So all I can say is that for some reason I am under the impression that these cross-throughs with the deep meaty ribbons are NLR-era, like most of the multicolor rainbos.
  13. Steph


    I would go with Pelt based on my belief that this cross-through style was made earlier than the production dates at Kokomo.
  14. Steph

    Weird slag

    German crossed my mind, but not the classic CAC-like seam that I think of with Germans so I nodded along with the Master ID's.
  15. JABO started with the purchase of Bogard. Then they bought Vitro. Those are the two I know about.
  16. I got lemon from the dollar store, blueberry from an Amish store, and pumpkin spice from a clearance rack at a grocery store. The lemon and blueberry ones were quite good. The expired pumpkin spice was rubber-ball-like, but I'm still glad I tried them.
  17. I have no idea of the answer, but it's good to have a dream!
  18. Good on eBay for making the seller do the right thing.
  19. And the crowd goes wild!!
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