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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I didn't know that about toebreakers being 2". But the name I use for big 'uns probably applies to 1.22". I call them boulders.
  2. I do think it's Peltier. I don't know about rare. Peltiers vary so widely. There are lots of oddballs.
  3. Wait for a second opinion. There are some distinct Christmas Trees and Ketchup & Mustards which have some translucence in the base, but the ribbon pattern reigns supreme there. There's a "tweener" zone where it's hard to decide whether the marbles fall on the NLR side or the Rainbo side. Some don't like the name "tweener" so I don't jump to it easily -- I'll try to commit to one or the other -- but sometimes tweener is the word which is needed.
  4. I'd say Rainbo on all. Some in the first group tempt me to consider NLR (with the offset ribbons on the left two and the large number of ribbons and two colors on the top right) but with the thin ribbons and translucency of the base I'll stay with Rainbo. I could see someone saying MK on the top left or bottom right in the last group but again with the translucent base visible, I'm sticking with Pelt and Rainbo there also.
  5. I got some turquoise marbles at a thrift store. The lady in the sorting area in the back had a bag of marbles for filling in missing marbles from games. She let me go through it and take out all the turquoise ones for a buck. Today I got a bag of mostly cat's eyes from a yard sale -- vintage but common. A few rainbos and all-reds. A beat-up PPP. I told the folks what they had. They enjoyed the lesson and then I asked what they wanted for 'em. They made me pick a price. I offered 10 -- which I think was fair -- and they agreed to it because they trusted my assessment. And I got some other stuff. Might be the first glass marbles I ever got at a yard sale. I found some plastic Star Trek themed marbles once. Yeah ... feels good to find any kind of vintage marbles in the wild.
  6. Welcome! Hope we can solve some mysteries.
  7. Same glow result wouldn't necessarily mean same family. But those do indeed seem to be mostly and maybe entirely Jabo. I keep wanting that tan and green to be Alley -- and one day I should fish out the marbles which make me want that to be so -- but I think they also get a Jabo ID.
  8. The consistency of the white leans me away from Ohio and toward West Virginia.
  9. Found! What a relief. And worth the more than an hour I spent out combing through the grass.
  10. This is a test run from June 1. Passed with flying colors. But ... somewhere between the first picture and the second, I lost a marble. I had them outside for sunlight photos. I stepped inside to get a t-shirt for a new background. I don't think I was gone long enough for anyone to investigate and find a marble and get brave enough to take one. So I guess it's lost in the grass???!!! The yard doesn't get mown until I find the marble. ... back to the search now.
  11. Bruce had a good question? Are any marble shows still on?
  12. Congrats on the sweet marbles. A let down to not have more marbles inside, but the coffee can's a pretty good idea for someone wanting to display their marbles and not have hundreds hidden away inside. Now you've got me thinking about what I can put in some of my marble jars. A paper towel roll sounds good for jars ....
  13. Aw, I liked your picture! Just sharing how deep I got into it!
  14. Cool photo. I put in a lot of practice taking blacklight photos way back when. I sorted my UV glass by brightness. In some of the less bright groups, I got some interesting colors. And then in those less bright groups, some shades photographed more brightly than others, so I bumped some of the marbles up to a brighter class or down to a less bright class, in order to get balanced pictures. I had lots of fun with that. Ended up with a "sun" tan on my left wrist from where I propped my long tube blacklight trying to get it into just the right position as I worked my camera with my right hand.
  15. The reasons I put them in a jar to enjoy without worrying about who made them.
  16. Akro slag seems a pretty good guess for #3.
  17. It is a Peltier Multicolor Rainbo. An NLR-era marble.
  18. Oh. My. Gosh. My one and only guess on that one would have been vintage European.
  19. ... glower gives you a great shot at Carnelian I think that's what it is.
  20. 2nd row #1 Peltier. #2 a very nice flame which at first I thought was christensen but the backside looks more Alley 3rd row #2 could be Master, #4 is Vitro. I'm wondering about Akro Carnelian on #3. And Peltier or Vitro on #1.
  21. Marbles are often thought of has having one or more ribbons and a base. The base glass would usually be the glass that that there is the most of in the marble. You appear to have red, white and blue ribbons on a translucent base. So, base here is about the make-up of the glass, not about the position on the geometric object.
  22. Steph


    Could be Jabo.
  23. All that for three dollars? You did very well indeed.
  24. Based on structure and what I thought might be a faint memory, I was thinking West Virginia swirl. But wvrons is "the man" when it comes to all things West Virginia, including Akros.
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