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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi. Welcome. You have a wide range of marbles. Many from the first half of the 1900's. Some (particularly the cat's eyes) which would be from later. The red white and blue marble which you highlighted in a solo shot is interesting to me. Maybe start a new thread with two or three views of that one. An introductory thread with a big group of marbles is okay to give us a taste of what you have. However, to get ID's, it's best to limit the number of marbles per thread. If you have more than a few in a thread it can be very hard to identify which marble we're talking about. And if more views are needed, it can get very hairy indeed.
  2. I somehow ended up with a very enjoyable box of old German handmades and related older marbles. Wasn't intentional. I just had a single box that I would put them in when I very occasionally got one. Then lo and behold, it got full, and I could go to the attic right now and open it up and find marbles that would surprise me this very day to find out that I do have one of those after all.
  3. Oh gee ... just one marble? A 1" Marble King BumbleBee with a classic patch-and-ribbon pattern. If I could have two, the second one would be a 1" Akro Superman, with evenly balanced colors in a simple clean corkscrew pattern. Keeping it simple and classic. Uh oh ... now I'm remembering my spotted dick and the other marbles in my advent calendar. Nope, sorry, I just broke my brain. But seriously, when I go to my nursing home, any single marble will do to capture this part of my life, probably a large size for better viewing, and better if it was a gift.
  4. Yes, Akro might have sold that one in a Cardinal box. Red was a popular marble color. Akro sold it in assorted color slag boxes under the name Onyx. And they sold it in purely red slag boxes under the name Cardinal. Similar to the marketing of the Peltier rainbo with a white base and red ribbons. Could have been sold in a box of assorted color Rainbos. Or could have been sold in a box with just the red on white color combo and labeled Bloodies.
  5. Steph


    Thanks! I recognize the transparent red in the Akros in this last post! Funny how something you take for granted sometimes seems out of place other times.
  6. I'm not sure if a different picture would help. If vintage the red and white one could be Christensen Agate, the greenish one could be Alley Agate. Maybe one of the swirl specialists will recognize them.
  7. Number of colors in a Vitro hybrid cat's eye is important. Two is standard. So the more you get beyond that the better. Asian cat's eyes commonly have 3 colors -- some are arranged in a way which make them special. I need to get or find a picture showing the "cross-through" pattern. What specifically about colored translucent glass. You too!
  8. I'm having trouble deciding whether the top marble is modern or vintage. If modern, could be Jabo or Champion. If vintage, could still be Champion. Actually I'm having trouble deciding modern or vintage on all of them. The middle two are very interesting.
  9. I think the blue and white one on top is a Vacor. Hard to say with the lighting on the group of three below that. I expect they're "clearies". Under that group I think I'm seeing a Jabo. As you can see, I'm starting to have difficulty pointing out which marble I'm attempting to ID. That's why it's good to post just a few per thread -- so that it's easier to point out which ones we're discussing, and so things don't start getting super complicated if additional photos are needed. The brown and white one below the probable Jabo might be a West Virginia swirl. I think Vacor or Jabo on the one below that. Maybe more Jabos after that. The last marble looks like another Vacor.
  10. Thanks for posting all of those, but especially thanks for posting the lavender Jabos. You have a nicer selection than I do. They are "classics" and that glow is from the Fenton Burmese cullet which Jabo used. And that's all the extra detail I know for them.
  11. Steph


    What a nice marble. And I don't know. I don't associate that kind of deep clear red with Akro. I'll toss Master and Vitro in for consideration. How unhelpful is that?
  12. Bruce, yours looks like a legit old marble, but I don't know whose.
  13. Steph


    I'm stuck between Akro and CAC.
  14. Steph


    Yeah, that's right in the middle. Seams curved but longish. I'm currently leaning Akro.
  15. Row 1: Vitro (Definitely on left, feeling good about it on right) Row 3: Vitro on left, Akro on right. Row 2: WV swirls. First thought Ravenswood, but I'm really not good with Ravenswood so wait for someone else.
  16. Nice bump! We have a date! P.s., I couldn't remember where I had stashed that 1902 clipping. So double bonus points for bumping this thread!
  17. Steph


    I don't know. I'm considering Vitro possibilities but I don't know.
  18. Steph


    Not Vitro. A slag. Christensen Agate or European.
  19. I"m going to say contemporary torchmade marble. It certainly has something odd going on.
  20. Steph


    Oh. Good question. I am leaning yes, but I am not 100%.
  21. Steph


    P.s., I just found out that MFC only made the purple slags for a short time, but we're talking about amber so moving right along.
  22. Steph


    A lot of people would say MFC, as a catch-all handgathered slags in the basic colors of amber, blue, green, purple and white. CAC, Akro and Peltier also made handgathered slags though, and I wouldn't know how to tell them apart. MFC is a possibility. So is CAC and Akro. (So probably is Peltier.)
  23. It might qualify to be one of the "milk" variations. Not a buttermilk though. Here's Chuck B's description: "Buttermilks have a red band on one side, a parallel red/blue band on the other side and a translucent buttermilk yellow base, sometimes with white." http://joemarbles.com/3Marble Articles/Chuck Brandstetter/0002 Older Vitro Marbles (Tri-Lites).htm
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