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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm in on whatever anyone decides. But I admit I'm not clear on what you're envisioning. Jason? @bumblebee
  2. I almost sewed a button on yesterday! LOL. But it turned out the shirt needed three buttons and I only had two spare ones. I might yet sew on a button before this week is out. I cut up some some old items for a rag bag. I used some of them to clean. I'm going to write letters sometime in the next three days. Have been planning them in my head. I have started my garden by a window in the attic. It's so very cold outside yet. I've done some running -- ran 4.4 miles one evening. A personal record.
  3. On top I'll go with Jabo and Master. On bottom, probably WV swirls. Champion sounds good on the right.
  4. Not used to saying "stay safe" on Easter. That's usually more of a driving in winter weather thing, but here we are. Stay safe. And I hope you're finding satisfying things to stay busy with.
  5. Funny how I post these things and it takes forever ... like ten years ... for me to think about checking to see how hard it would be to acquire them. Finally it did occur to me, so I sauntered over to eBay, and they're comfortably in the "fun money" zone.
  6. I'm pretty sure that's the case. I think Bonnie was hopeful they had a name anyway, as well as being interested in some broader discussion of the topic.
  7. I feel strange ... almost as if I have superpowers. The video demonstrations of features will be a big help to many.
  8. Ron, if I am thinking of the right ones, they're Rainbos.
  9. A fun topic to visit again every decade or so. Natural stone formations. Mysterious Moqui Marbles in Zion National Park The old pix I came across which inspired this topic.
  10. Pretty. The dark blue and yellow combo is striking.
  11. Hi there! The first six look vintage, meaning before 1970. The rest look like they could be from the 1980's or later. They are all machine-made which means they do not have pontils. They may have "seams" or "cutlines" from the beginning or end of the glass stream in the automated process. Or they may have "cold rolls" were creases formed because the molten glass was just a little too cool to be completely rounded on the mechanized rollers. More views might suggest a 1930's or so Japanese origin on the blue ones. Not sure what kind of yellow and green swirls you might end up with in New Zealand. The speckled ones and the one-incher at the end would be Asian or Mexican.
  12. Hubby did NOT go shopping this weekend. But he does have tomorrow off so will probably go then. It's been a LONG LONG time since hubby and his guy friends have not gone out to spend money together on the weekend.
  13. This one has a sizable chip in it -- which you get a glimpse of at the bottom of this view. But if it were in better shape I probably wouldn't have been able to get it. And from most angles there's no heartbreak at all.
  14. Hi Barb. Welcome. Identifying is easier than assigning value. One way is watch ebay sales. An important thing to keep in mind is that condition is paramount. One ding can cut a marble's value in half. If you want to post a group pic we can get a feel for what you have. For ID's, generally post a few marbles per thread. That's the most manageable way.
  15. I don't think so. But I don't know what the middle one is. I think maybe a plain corkscrew. The box is so fragile I don't even want to pull the tab out once to check to see what it is for sure. Three that I can see are pretty beat up -- one of those is a simple German handmade. Box was sent by a friend who knew I would appreciate it no matter the condition. The marbles were just filler.
  16. A facebook game I play has contests on its fanpage. The prizes are things you can use in the game. This time they asked us to submit our symbols of spring. I gave marbles a plug. (The card was required to show you actually took the picture.) The assignment was to draw or make something, so I drew a marble ring for the follow-up photo ... didn't have chalk ... used my chubby colored pencil.
  17. Jason? This one is for you. @bumblebee
  18. LOL, no it doesn't! That's perfect for a quarantine name.
  19. Here's the thread, folks: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/25570-what-are-these-2-called
  20. Someone at another forum I go to is playing a game where they say your quarantine name is the last thing you ate followed by the name of your high school mascot. And it was only then, after all these many years, that I remembered our high school team name and connected it with marbles. We were the Jackson Aggies. lol
  21. Wow. They look really nice and unusual. I want the first to be Christensen, but going back to maybe Leighton on the second. @I'llhavethat1 ... any thoughts? Am I just making stuff up?
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