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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Recipe here https://marbleconnection.com/topic/20730-what-are-you-eating-right-now/?do=findComment&comment=222139
  2. It has a nine which I noticed when looking at it under blacklight. It stayed a mystery to me for a long time but gradually I got more comfortable thinking of it as a Pelt since I saw it in a Gropper box labeled "Opal Agates". (Gropper distributed Peltiers.) Eventually I learned that Canary was an early Pelt name and this is the best candidate for that marble. And apparently they're described in American Machine-Made Marbles, and I keep forgetting that! https://marbleconnection.com/topic/21112-peltier-gropper-canaries/
  3. I posted this Canary in the thread of fluorescent marbles, but then it occurred to me how really special it is for another reason. I had a hunch that the majority of marble collectors don't know Peltier made handgathered marbles. And then ... even knowing that Pelt did ... it's very seldom that one runs across a handgathered marble and can be reasonably confident it was a Pelt. So ... anyone else come across any handgathered Pelts? In their own collections or saved pictures?
  4. Doing more unpacking and disposal of things which were left undone since our move three years ago. Found some puzzles I had worked on and then stored in the old attic about 15 years ago. Was making progress until .....
  5. I had a several Cloudys and got rid of them before I realized what they were. Hang onto that. They're an underrecognized early Master.
  6. P.s., this top view is very clear and helpful. Going to give a solid Master on this one.
  7. What a thread is? This "topic" that you've started is a thread. A thread of conversation is one way to think of it. At the bottom of the posting window it gives you the option to "choose files" for inclusion in the topic. That's where you can upload your pictures.
  8. Yeah, some pretty marbles. These intrigue me. I suspect the darker one at least may be a Master Cloudy. Is the lighter one glass? (Wondering if a see a hand-facet on it.) Edit: Oh, I see you did describe the smaller one as glass in the next post. Hmmmm.
  9. I could learn to like Alleys.
  10. Well, this is one which IS old. It's handgathered. It took me looking at it under blacklight before I recognized the 9. It was thought to be a Peltier Canary.
  11. Just off the top of your head
  12. What are your favorite marble misnomers? Was thinking today about how for quite some time I thought wirepulls were actually formed by dragging a wire around through the molten glass.
  13. Post your glowers! Here are some modern Marble Kings I decided to light up this afternoon for no particular reason.
  14. This one I'm having trouble pinning down. Possibly another Vitro. Second choice Master. I'm not getting a handle on the seam structure yet.
  15. ^^ that marble is a 1930's Vitro Tri-Lite
  16. Have you tried loading images straight to a thread? The way I add one of your pictures to the thread like below is by going to the photo and then copying the address from the address bar. I paste the address and get this:
  17. If I already have my cat's eye book am I still allowed to watch?
  18. Thank you. Mike's note with the sphere said "Oolitic Chert (Petrified fish eggs)".
  19. Don't know. We saw a bubbly Akro recently. Pelts are often bubbly. Could be other things too.
  20. It does look Vacor. Maybe Octopus https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=39
  21. I remember a contemp site which started trying to put together such a registry. But that site doesn't exist anymore. The group moved to Facebook. Whatever they had achieved in the signature area didn't transfer and many new makers have started work since then. So I wait with you to hear if anyone else knows of such a registry.
  22. I have a feeling you would like Chris Barke's work. https://www.facebook.com/groups/208859796592247/
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