No worries! When you're dreaming about them, maybe time for a break (lol) but no worries!
Not a pontil. Pontils are on handmade marbles. Yours is a machinemade marble. You have some "drizzle" ... where the marble got hung up somewhere and a string of glass was formed and then it was rounded back into the marble.
Jabo is modern marble. They mostly made industrial marbles, like for paint cans. But they made some play marbles also, called "classics". Their classics were made from 1991 to 2007. After that they made some fancier marbles in special contract runs.
So, some people who are hoping for vintage marbles are unhappy to learn they have modern marbles.
I'm still holding out hope for vintage myself, but the drizzle makes it a nice oddball, whenever it was made.