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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I would have said Master and felt really good about it but Ron knows way more than I do.
  2. These tournament stories are snapshots of history. Often with so much extra information which you wouldn't have imagined before reading the articles. And this story is extra special. The young champion, Clarence "Sonny" Dibble, is the uncle of our new member @Bob Wuehrmann who sent us the clippings. From the Charleston, South Carolina News and Courier archives.
  3. West Virginia Swirl. The circle is some kind of error -- I'm not sure if it's from getting hung up on machinery or if it's lost glass from a later incident.
  4. An end of another chapter in marble history. Condolences to her family.
  5. 3.5 inches. With oxblood and uranium. Pictures by Dani. It was more impressive in person than I expected. My heart sped up as I took it out of the mailer. And it's got the little crow on the bottom. *squeal*
  6. Short, fudged answer: yes! It is sometimes called a Transparent Whitie. It is probably in the Tiger Eye family but looks like a Whitie so that's what my Vitro guru called it. And he told me that they were often found in the cellophane tubes such as those which came as prizes at the bottom of cereal boxes.
  7. Shared by a friend today. Viking board game piece made of glass and dating back 1,200 years is found on island off the coast of England
  8. I was thinking of the one straight seam (and the other still-longish seam) ... together with a faint memory of interesting blues I've seen before in Akros.
  9. aww ... nice post ❤️ and the pictures are fine! ... I suspect WV swirl on yours. Maybe a Cairo Novelty due to the pattern and the translucent base. Maybe?
  10. Chicken vindaloo ... OMG ... been wanting to try it ever since binge-watching Red Dwarf. Do NOT need to do that again.
  11. A few extra non-marble items on another page at the same site: https://shop.houseofmarbles.com/category/gift-home/teign-valley-glass-gift-home/
  12. Out of the blue I remembered the name "Teign Valley". I had tried to remember it on other occasions but it just popped into my head tonight. Marbles made in England. https://shop.houseofmarbles.com/category/marbles/show-me-the-marbles/collectors-marbles/teign-valley-glass-marbles/ Pickings seem a bit slim now. The Duke of York board shows some variety though and the elephant skin marble is not what I expected with the Teign Valley name.
  13. That's funny. And makes total sense. My "later" box is getting a bit full also.
  14. The marble is unusual.. I'm not sure about it. But I'm leaning how you are leaning.
  15. I quickly think I don't see Pelt. I linger a little longer before I conclude I'm not sure I see Akro either.
  16. Those colors in a swirl make me think Vacor.
  17. my husband says he'd love to play marbles with me, but he knows I'd freak out if any marbles hit each other
  18. I once went to a Harley factory hoping to be able to stop at the gift shop to get something for my dad. The gift shop was closed but two workers were out front. The lady told the man to give me his Harley blue jean jacket. He was gonna, and I was tempted, but I said "no, no, that's okay". Kinda wish I had accepted. Would have made an even better story.
  19. First, remove the steelies/ball bearings from the glass marbles. These are machine-made. There are many Vitro All-Reds -- many in the "blackline" style. I see a couple of Peltier Rainbos, and a Peltier banana cat's eye. And I see a few cat's eyes from other companies. I'm pretty sure I see at least a couple of Marble Kings. Can't be 100% in these views, but I think one of more of the blue and white ones in the first photo will turn out to be patch-and-ribbon style Marble King Rainbows. It would be best to only post a few marbles per thread, and post them in an order where it's easy to point to which marble is being ID-ed. Makes sense, right? Otherwise, it's really hard to convey to each other which marble we're talking about. That said, I'll highlight this photo because this one's easy. This is a Peltier Rainbo on top and one of your Vitro blackline All-Reds on bottom.
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