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Everything posted by Steph

  1. If the green is an inch and a half (in diameter?), then I am probably wrong about it being Vitro. One inch or below could be Vitro. Over one inch is an indication of Vacor. Also, yes, the texture on the white one and yellow one is a big clue.
  2. And now I have just checked in on your newest thread and I see you are already giving sizes. Good job.
  3. That was a little ID encouragement for your trouble! One more thought about your next thread. It's helpful to tell sizes especially on machine-mades (such as the three I just singled out). For contemporaries (the modern handmades), if there is any signature on the marble (possibly initials), that's good to include.
  4. Naw, no need to delete. Just start a new thread with a few and we'll go from there. By the way, this is one which might be a Vitro cat's eye in a style which could have been made anywhere between 1960 and 1990. Whereas, these two similar looking marbles would likely be Vacor de Mexico from the 1990's to the present.
  5. This is a more helpful layout of the marbles I saw in the other thread. But even more marbles in this one. (We were posting at the same time, so I know you hadn't yet seen my post in the other thread.)
  6. Hi. Welcome. That's a lot of pictures to digest for one post (or one thread). I wasn't able to count how many marbles it was -- maybe it wasn't a lot -- but not being able to keep straight how many problems we're looking at is one of the problems which can arise if there's a lot going on in the first post. I see many contemporary handmade marbles. And a few machine-made marbles. I think I see one Vitro cat's eye. And then maybe a couple made by Vacor de Mexico. So, again, welcome. But maybe give us a new thread, with maybe four marbles in it? And then you can post other threads at the same time also with a few marbles apiece. Thanks!
  7. I don't know how I missed this. It seemed I was seeing her around, but apparently not. At the beginning of December we lost Winnie Goddijn, our friend from Amsterdam. She was in her 80's at least, maybe 90, but what a lively spirited person, and what a great help to many in marbledom.
  8. I'm not sure where the marbles are right now to check for eyelashes. I really gotta get my marbles better organized.
  9. Also, Alox jobbered cat's eyes so it wouldn't be surprising for a cat to get mixed in with the swirls.
  10. At that size, in sunlight shades, I have to consider Vacor Sunset. But I don't want me saying "Vacor" to take the shine off the "wow". Because (a) I'm far from certain and (b) wow! These are my Vacor Sunsets ...
  11. WV Swirl -- I don't know whose
  12. MK on top center. I think MK on top right also. Possibly on bottom right. Then "transparent swirls" on the other two and that's as far as I go.
  13. Thanks. Was confused by the "these" in the subject line. It has the coloring of a Vitro Superior. The orange ribbons are in the pattern of a Peltier. And the yellow is not out-of-line with a Peltier. So I am staying with Peltier.
  14. How many marbles are we looking at? My first thought was Vitro but then the pattern started to seem more Peltier. I am currently leaning Peltier. And estimating 1930's either way.
  15. I went ahead and signed up on the $4.99 a month plan. That stops them from freezing up the computer. The pictures I'm trying to replace in the threads now are ones I downloaded to my computer and then deleted from Photobucket as I tried to get the image number down into something which wouldn't give me warning messages about having too many images. So, I have the pix on my computer and am uploading them to imgur, and then to here. Of course since the Akro pix were the most important to me, those are the ones I made inaccessible with this not-well-thought-out plan. But ... I'm working on it!
  16. Need to put that on my list ... that is to say, on my husband's list for when he goes out DVD hunting
  17. Hi. Welcome. Pick a few marbles out and post some photos of them. A few marbles per thread works best. A new thread for each new small group of marbles.
  18. I resolve to restore at least one photo per day to the archival threads which got broken because the photos were at Photobucket. That would be at least 366 photos for the year. That would be a good hunk of pix.
  19. I'm not seeing enough regularity to guess anything other than Akro.
  20. Mike, aka Migbar, had been feeling poorly for a few months and has passed away. Someone said it was on Christmas. A sweet generous friend with a sometimes biting wit. A keeper of Pelt history. A stained glass artist, and marble maker. This is a blow.
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