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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi. Nice. I see your issue. The nice roundness of the nine might make me lean toward MFC ... but then I wonder why we'd be ruling out Christensen. They also did handgathered slags, right? My honest but unhelpful answer is that I don't try to separate my handgathered slags.
  2. I am inclined to agree with it being Akro.
  3. ❤️ Day 4 In hand this red really wants to be oxblood, but it can't be, right? I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ....
  4. The blue looked Pelty before ... with the little bubbles all of the glass looks more pelty close up. Maybe it's a rainbo missing a ribbon -- that has been known to happen.
  5. Hi. Welcome. Best not to put so many marbles in a single thread. The fewer marbles there are in a thread the better chance to get specific information. Mostly I'm seeing modern marbles but a few vintage seem to be in the mix. No monetary value in the first photo other than what it would cost to buy marbles new in the toy store. A few older ones in the later photos but not rare and not particularly valuable. Also, condition issues can quickly cut value by more than half.
  6. Left is looking more Vitro now. Middle is just weird. I don't see Vitro. The pattern looks MK but the transparent ribbons do not, so I don't know. I'm going with Pelt Peerless Patch on the right.
  7. So if that mossy green base on #3 lights up, then I feel safe saying Akro. Alley on top, then two Akros.
  8. Alley, Akro, and I wanted to say another Akro ... but then I considered Master. Did you test the third one with a blacklight?
  9. Top, at 11:00, might be Akro. The green patch just under that looks a little out of place ... could it be Pelt? The blue and white in the center could be Marble King.
  10. I'm seeing some Vitro Conquerors. From this view, I'm not sure if all are.
  11. Day 3 ... one of these had a piece of paper which said 10/2/2008 ... but I opened both before I saw the paper. Gotta be the bigger one -- making it a Jabo Ace. The busy little one ... it's so glossy, my first guess was Jabo on it --- one of the especially flamy runs which I haven't seen in person unless this is one? Or ... Alley? Gonna need help on this one. have yourself a merry little Christmas
  12. Steph

    These too

    As noted on other thread, just sticking with "transparent swirl". Unless "peach" is really jumping out at you, then I'd stick with "amber". That's a good catch-all. Hard to be sure from a monitor about what color it is in the stand-alone images. Maybe a group shot with some other distinctive colors could get a different color name from someone else.
  13. Tricky. I can't swear it's not Peltier or some other vintage possibility. But I'm also considering newer possibilities such as Jabo or Anacortes Vitro.
  14. Steph


    Yeah, it happens.
  15. Steph

    Any help

    And already I'm having second thoughts on the green and white. Some good views are probably in there somewhere, but there's a glare which is stopping me from feeling sure about it.
  16. Steph

    Any help

    Still "transparent swirl" on the clear and white. Transparent swirls are really hard to pin down to a company. Odds are they're from one of the several West Virginia swirl companies. But some chance it's from Alox in Missouri. Too many choices. Now I think I'm seeing enough of the green one to say Akro Moss Agate.
  17. LOL ... I tried to figure out what that big Moss Agate would be called today. I even did both a Google search and a forum search. But I still wasn't sure.
  18. Steph

    These too

    Slag potential on top. Another transparent swirl on bottom.
  19. Steph

    Any help

    "Transparent swirl" on the first one. Vintage. I leave it at that. If the 2nd is vintage then possibly Master. If more modern, possibly Anacortes Vitro. I guess there are other possibilities. A crisper picture ... or two ... featuring seams ... could help.
  20. it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Today we have a picture in sunshine ... and we're hoping the sun melts some of the ice on the sidewalk so we can get that clear today And yes ....
  21. I"m not familiar with what it takes to be a "surfer" so I'm just posting to say hi and welcome. I'll wait along with you for the answers.
  22. Good morning! simply having a wonderful Christmastime ♪
  23. ?? I'm not feeling Akro, but I don't know.
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