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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Thanks for posting that. I saw Pete's announcement on Facebook and should have thought to post something. Very sad.
  2. It might have a different collector's name, but probably to Akro is was a part of their proud Moss Agate line.
  3. What does the top far right look like under blacklight? It might "just" be a fancy moss agate.
  4. Merry Christmas! I do hope everyone has a blessed day tomorrow. These marbles? One was on my wishlist for 2020. One was on my wishlist for "sometime". One I never even thought about fantasizing about having. One I don't remember ever seeing before and I'll need to spend some more time trying to do it photographic justice. I've spent this whole month in a state of amazement. I am still stunned and misty-eyed. 72 minutes of Christmas cheer
  5. It looks busy yet smooth enough to be Alley.
  6. 2000 ... that might help someone narrow it down. Someone. Not me. Merry Christmas, D!
  7. I cheated. I opened the Christmas Eve compartment. And I'm hyperventilating. I know I don't really deserve all of this but I'm so very grateful for such good marble friends who are so sweet and generous. .... I'll post the marbles tomorrow
  8. Oooh ... gonna say yes to it being popeye! And also yes to this not being a color combo with which I am familiar. schweet!
  9. Day 23. Tomorrow is going to be another long day for reasons that have nothing to do with Christmas -- so it's bonus hecticness! Today's selection is color-coordinated. I could have rolled the Jabo around to make it look like an even better match to the other two marbles but this angle was more informative. The boulder wowed me when I thought it only had two ribbons colors. Then I saw the third.
  10. Maybe start catching up on taking pictures of my Dave McCullough marbles? But I don't even have today's picture taken. Has been a hectic day so far.
  11. That's a good topic to revisit.
  12. Five years?!!? Where does the time go?
  13. Small, huh? That could possibly point to Champion.
  14. Size? I'm not seeing Akro. If not Jabo, then maybe Champion. If 3/4" or larger, then I think Jabo.
  15. I'm starting to think about what I could do with the case. I'll want to sort the marbles. But I could sort them back into the case and add more. Could put foam inserts with holes to secure five marbles in each compartment. With one style of marble in each compartment. And the glass top. Could be nice/educational for non-marble friends to know what I'm into.
  16. That's a good picture of an interesting marble. It might take more views though to get a handle on what it could be.
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