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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I don't recognize it. The patch seems fairly well formed but just amorphous enough to make me think of Peltier. Rick was posting while I was typing. And even thought he has leaned away from Pelt ... he seems to have caught at least a vibe of what I was feeling.
  2. Hello. Welcome. Not seeing images. Might need to try the uploads again.
  3. Steph


    Odds seem high. Looking forward to seeing more of it.
  4. Good luck! My husband got several thousand just for his Pokemon cards which he bought in his 30's and 40's. Have sports cards from your childhood? Wow. The possibilities.
  5. What a gorgeous group of marbles. Welcome.
  6. I'll go with European on the left.
  7. Sweeeeet. Gotta be vintage.
  8. Did you get a recent shipment from Europe?
  9. Steph


    I thought I already answered this. I wrote out an answer but I guess I didn't submit. Okay ... I agree with Vacor on the left, but I will suggest a Vacor Sunset. And the others also seem foreign to me, some kind of vintage, but whose? You mention Mosaico on the left. Mosaicos have a wide variety and I don't know their range well enough, so I can't say "not Mosaico". But I think of them as more colorful, and more departures from the Sunset palette.
  10. Marble King double ingot then. I'm seeing two cat's eyes in there.
  11. Ah, of course. I just wanted Steven to realize his beautiful slag had a much classier name once upon a time.
  12. The name was also used by MFC for sure. MFC called them National Onyx Marbles. And I'm pretty sure it was used by Christensen and Peltier. At least Gropper used the name Onyx when jobbering Christensen and Peltier. Now I have to gather up my Onyx ads and probably fix some more old Photobucket links. ( : *heads off to look for one of the Peltier pricelists that Mike Barton posted*
  13. The original maker's name was not "slag" by the way. It was Onyx. And yours is a gorgeous handgathered one. What a looker.
  14. Whoa! My first thought was Vacor but none of the many other comments had a whisper of that. I could see coral now, but are there no visible cutlines?
  15. Steph

    3 oddballs

    Normal player size, correct? The colors and striation in the middle are making me think of Heaton though I have 4 distinct vanes on mine but you appear to have more than four vanes, so that's wishful thinking. On larger marbles, the colors on the outside would point to the Masters which were jobbered by Alox. Even on the small, I'm thinking hard about Master on the left. The right is feeling more Euro.
  16. I am not aware of a Master cage style so I will go with Asian on the outside, Vitro in the middle.
  17. Such pretty stone. Interesting bit of strategy insight there. Make your marble harder to see on the dirt.
  18. The colors are right for Anacortes but I don't remember a non-cage version from Anacortes. And in spite of the five vanes, I don't remember those colors as the something from the 1950's. So I will stick my pin somewhere in the middle range.
  19. This is a 1950's version.
  20. This is a Peltier Rainbo. There were a lot of Vitros in the top opening post. All vintage.
  21. Steph

    ICE & SNOW ??

    Looked at our backyard thermometer and saw it was down to 20 degrees already at 6 p.m. That's when I remembered I hadn't properly winterized my growbag strawberries yet. I had moved them into the garage but had them by a window and wasn't ready to do whatever you're supposed to do to insulate them against freezing temps. So now I have strawberries in my attic. I hope they like it there.
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