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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I still haven't figured out how to get a good look at one intriguing marble in my new Ravenswood bag. It has a two-color (light-blue and white) ribbon in a clear base. Kinda hard to see in person through the mesh but it showed up in Al's pic in his auction. Here's Al's pic and it's probably better than I'll be able to get. Just thought it'd be fun to see some more with two-color ribbons in clear. Not a combo that I think of with Ravenswood, though now that I skim the Mostly Pix thread, I do see some. Including red and white.
  2. Once upon a time I had a nearly-one-inch aventurine Japanese cat ... and I sold it. Wish I hadn't. Didn't think they would be so hard to replace.
  3. Bump ... I am very tempted ... but that was such a sweet story ... and I bought Ravenswoods already this month.
  4. Glad to have my speakers back but I gotta say ... that last one was weeeerd.
  5. *racking my brain for a Y other than Yellow Jacket*
  6. I guess we have to have green for March. ... a little green in here ....
  7. Sorry for your loss, for the community's loss. Thank you for sharing. Wishing for peace and happy memories for his family and friends.
  8. Steph


    New house, old cat. He is 17. Our roommate brought him with her when we all moved into the old house 16 years ago. She moved out and he had made himself at home so he stayed. He was a feisty little thing but has mellowed greatly. LOVES the sun. And loves hubby. And seems to like me okay. Our old house had one little window which got sun. Our big window is facing south, but the way the planet is tilted, the sun is off to the south, so that means we get a big window full of sun all day long. And we're so delighted for the cats that finally they get to bask.
  9. Nice find. What size?
  10. What a sweet memory. *need a tissue now*
  11. Steph


    Kedo enjoying the winter sun from our big livingroom window. (wearing a vest so he doesn't lick a sore spot -- poor little'un looks so cute in the little vest it's ridiculous)
  12. Memory lane ... stamps with ducks playing marbles
  13. I have some (from George Sourlis and Bob Block). Hubby put mine on disk.
  14. Because it's Dr. Seuss Day (nod to Pete)
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