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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'll go with "swirl"
  2. I don't recognize the header. The graphics don't seem very good. But it has the seam and the contents match the label. @Al Oregon, do you recognize it?
  3. Wow. This is like an earthquake. Hard to imagine anyone who could be more missed than Ron. I'm about to cry.
  4. Note the lack of three-color corkscrews in it. That doesn't mean the wrong marbles are in the box. "Special" was a catch-all name for Akro. Collectors somehow decided that Tri-Color Agates should be called Specials. But Akro sold various marbles in those boxes.
  5. What everyone else said. Company name: Akro Onyx
  6. So far I am on the side of Vitro cat.
  7. wow. How many vanes? The vanes are looking quite Vitro, especially with what looks like a count of five, not six. But that base glass is sending me to the Billes-in-tete page to look for Swamp Thing pictures. The Swamp Things don't look that close. I know Vitro did a cage style cat in Windex-blue glass. But what else? I'm stumped.
  8. Vacor cat's eye. The shredding of the vanes is one of the signs telling me Vacor.
  9. Top right showing signs of handgathering, but I'm having the opposite problem on this one from the marble I just commented on. Pretty sure I'm seeing the cutline but that's a weak nine if I'm reading the first view right. I really have no idea how to choose between makers for a handgathered slag that might not quite be textbook.
  10. The one that looks most distinctly slaggy is the top right. It has a pretty clean 9 in the first view but when I look for the cutline on the other end, I see such random-looking swirling that I'm a bit surprised by it. Are you able to pinpoint where the cutline is? The bottom right is distinctly swirly. The two on the left are telling me I need to get a refresher on slag versus swirl. If they're slags then I'm saying Akro.
  11. Because of the thin-ness of the ribbons on the middle one, I could see that one being an Alley. I started to wonder about Champ on the outside, but at that size ... I'm thinking Jabo there. @wvrons ?
  12. That is a url showing a Vitro Conqueror which was misidentified as a Wedding Cake.
  13. This picture appears to show a clear base. Seems quite revealing. I think the white is layered over the clear. I does look like Vitro, but not a solid base. Okay, well, that's all for me. I gotta call it quits for the night.
  14. Those pictures are helpful. They're showing why I hesitated to agree with Wedding Cake. The Wedding Cake is supposed to have the "off white base". Your marble looks as if it has a clear base glass.
  15. I don't think he's claiming that Champion Puce Swirls is a marble name. Puce is just being used as a descriptive word, I'm guessing. (Am I right?) Of course, it's not a color name that I'm conversant with. I had to google for it. I would just say purple for what I'm seeing on the screen. If we can get past the name of the color, does anyone recognize the maker of the marble?
  16. Not sure any are slags. I'm getting a "swirl" feeling on the left and the right. The middle ... I'm wondering if that's a Peltier Rainbo.
  17. Me either. On the first I could see it possibly turning out to be Akro. The second looks like Marble King or Vitro.
  18. It is the consensus that Alley didn't make patches. The patches found at the Alley site which excited so many of us are probably Akro. So that leaves Akro versus Master. When I was looking at your marbles I tried to see the seams. Not all the seams were front and center, but since I already gave you a bit of a hard time on your Wedding Cake question, I tried to get a good feeling for your mossy patches without asking for more pictures. And the feeling I got was that the seams fit the typical Akro pattern more than the typical Master pattern.
  19. From what I can see, I think Akro on all.
  20. Steph

    MK ?

    For sure patch and ribbon pattern. I'll go with MK on that basis.
  21. Not saying it isn't. Something about the clear-looking area over the sliver of color held me back, but mostly I don't like to give an ID based on just one side of a potentially uncommon marble. More people will be by to give opinions.
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