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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Don't know. I could still see it being Pelt. But I just don't know. Vitro, Akro and modern have all crossed my mind. For the Pelt question, I'm trying to see a second green ribbon on the opposite side from the first obvious one. Do you see any hint of a green ribbon on that other side?
  2. LOL ... I'd value it at more than a dollar. It's a _nice_ 1930's Vitro Tri-Lite. Can't be sure of condition but looks to be at least NM+ and it sure displays well. Too bad the seller is someone who overreaches and doesn't play it straight.
  3. The blue is a Vacor Neptune. Modern. The red does look older. A West Virginia swirl. My guess for which WV manufacturer would include Alley, Heaton and Cairo Novelty.
  4. Steph

    Dirt jackpot

    Fun!! And welcome to Marble Connection.
  5. You have to remember that this is Chocomibs, the guy with the gazillion dollar "cobra guinea". Help him for as long as it is entertaining to you. He's not going to let our cautious ID discussions get in the way of his auction descriptions.
  6. Agree with Vitro. Tri-Lite. However, not Buttermilk.
  7. What size is it? Is it bigger than "game marble" size? I'm guessing it is, or else you wouldn't feel a need to ask what it is. Looks like a very basic marble made by some West Virginia swirl maker.
  8. A similar idea which someone else had success with: coat it with polymer floor wax.
  9. I posted this in the other thread ... moving it here. On the left, from top to bottom, from the best I can tell with one view: 1960's Vitro All-Red 1940's Alley Agate Late 1930's to 1960's Peltier Rainbo. On the right, with the same disclaimer: Green Chinese Checkers marble, 1930's to whatever date you dug it up. (Edit: what Chad said. ) White Chinese Checkers marble, ditto on the date 1940's Alley Agate
  10. I'm not saying that I think you have a Vacor Red Baron or Old Fashion (DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com) But that one view with two ribbons meeting at a single point and then heading off for swirliness is one sign of a possible Vacor.
  11. Puzzling. I'm seeing what looks like it should be two. A pair starting here then maybe sort of trailing off here
  12. The Peltier Blue Angels were named for the Navy's Blue Angels Squadron. That's why they have both the blue and the yellow. The Red Angels and Green Angels obviously didn't have the Blue, but they have to have the yellow.
  13. In addition to other issues stopping that from being an Angel, note that Angels have distinctly yellow ribbons.
  14. thanks for answering so soon while you're away
  15. Marble King seems a good guess, but Vitro also came to mind, also Peltier (in other words, the same problem which always comes up with "game marble" id). It's just that with the dark stripes, game pieces is what wouldn't have been my first guess ... unless there was some other clue. Which of course there was -- the size. Peewee, huh?
  16. Not my first guess for them. However, is your implication that they are small ... 9/16" range?
  17. Elizabeth, this post sounds like you might be sitting on some good information that I wish I had thought to ask about earlier. Someone on Facebook posted a potentially Argentinian-looking marble. She's in Australia, which I think makes her more likely to have gotten South American marbles than the U.S. was. Do you have any suggestions for company names she might research?
  18. A newer thread from Rick I had occasion to search for today: Bolitas - General Marble & Glass Chat - Marble Connection
  19. What I would like to find to check for dates is a folder I have somewhere of a Wisconsin newspaper column which had letters to Santa. PDF files I copied from when I had access to newspapers.com A whole lot of kids were asking for popeye boxes for Christmas. Need to check which year it was that they were "the in thing".
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