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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yup. I gave up on trying to sort these out. I have some obvious ones separated out. I might even have an MK bag of my own, can't remember. But then I have a tray full of the general style that I couldn't sort. Same with my questionable mossy-ish ones, a tray for the general style without worrying about who made the ones which seem a bit weak and borderline. They're nice generic vintage marbles which add color to a group without us needing to worry about them having signficant monetary value.
  2. Ah, here's a short thread I started on the topic. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/9433-non-vitro-all-reds
  3. For some reason, I associate both Marble King and Akro with the marbles which could inadvertently be mixed in with Vitro All-Reds. An association formed over 10 years ago. But I am a bit vague on how much the MK's and Akros might look like each other. My first impression of the bottom ones might have been MK. But my first impression of the top right was distinctly Akro. fwiw
  4. I was thinking mostly of top right. But then if yes on the top right, then the top left would likely be dragged along with it. And the bottom two do fit nicely with the top two.
  5. I take it this is a specifically Akro question. @Melissa, maybe post a couple of pics of the ones with the slits but no glow? My general impression is that as the years went on the fisheyes got smaller and smaller, the marbles became more opaque, and the fire got less and less. However, I don't know if I ever got a firm answer on whether ALL the flintie colors had the fire once upon a time. And there's another name at play. Akro sold some solid color marbles as "Fire Opals". One might hope those all had fire, but did they?
  6. Good morning! Would be a nice discussion! I split your question off from the old topic and moved it over here to the main chat area for more eyes to see. Let 'er rip!
  7. What size of "shooter"? Reading from left, I'm seeing Akro on #1, 2 and 4. Leaning that way on 3 and 5 also though a bit wobbly without going out to look for Akro box pix to compare patterns. I'll give you Vitro on #6, or Jabo.
  8. Thanks for the link. I could see it in the photo though it's a small view. Two on the right with pale blue base and dark swirls floating near the surface.
  9. It's light blue, apparently. Sara clarified that. My brain had interpreted it as white. The pattern, the simple colors, the torchy webbing, and the lutz were sending my mind three different directions. My main concern was that Sara not accidentally let go of an Alley lutz for cheap. Now I can put that worry to bed. Thanks, team.
  10. No idea of what to make of this one. My friend has lots of mysteries. Has lutz. 3/4".
  11. Here, I went ahead and downloaded the entire photos so you could have more than thumbnails.
  12. Here's a screen shot of a marble posted by a friend on Facebook. It is a swirl. The black does not have aventurine. 3/4" Everybody but me is saying Peltier. But I am sure that Ron taught me years ago that this was Alley. Between the swirl pattern, the base glass, and the sheen of the black that makes you hope it has aventure but it does not have aventurine, I am completely on board with this being Alley. What say you? @wvrons?
  13. Hmmmm .... I won't be surprised if it turns out to be modern.
  14. It's gorgeous. Certainly not "just a game marble". Are you seeing Master structure in your blacklight photos?
  15. Melissa, the mighty mib hunter!
  16. I'd say not worth restoring. Even if you could find someone who could restore, I think probably the smarter investment would be to buy others in better condition. What to do with them? I don't know. It's hard to throw an old marble away, isn't it. I have a jar for beat up ones that I'm not sure what to do with.
  17. Ambivalent seam there! flattish, yet short I think I would expect closer to a v-shaped on a Master Cloudy, but I sold my own Cloudys before I realized what I had. I had a cache in a 1933 World's Fair cigar box! And sold 'em for a song. So I can't compare in hand. Looking at yours now through my tear-laden eyes, I won't rule yours out as a Master, but I am uncertain.
  18. That too! And to make searches worse, once upon I time I saw one of them spelled as mellon with the other spelled as melon. Ai yi yi. I guess to tell them apart? Now I can't remember if it was the German or the Master which was given the different spelling. Maybe there was actually some other logic to it, like maybe it was a German spelling? Anyway ... yeah, there's that.
  19. p.s. many collectors call them melon balls, not Cloudys, because somewhere along the way many collectors started using the name Cloudy for a different style marble. Maybe knowing the name melon ball will help you search, or help you communicate with other collectors. And some people will call them Master opaques, even when the point is that they're not opaque. Couple of pix: https://www.peltiermarbles.info/mastermarbles?pgid=kp5rvujl-d5957e92-e666-488b-a896-ef10fa6dcbfe Labeled sample box here: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6684-mostly-pix-master-made Not the same shade as your green, but I do not know what all variety of greens there were. Cloudys don't get ID-ed often.
  20. That would be a good plan. For now though, this is the particular marble which is making me wonder if you could see a Master-like structure to it.
  21. Marble King made some big ones in modern times. I think it was in the 2000's. I don't know if that's one of theirs. I _thought_ I had some. However, I couldn't find them the last time I looked. Hard to believe I gave them all away but it's possible. So I can't check to see if yours looks right for Marble King.
  22. Check your translucent ones for a Master-like construction. It's _possible_ that you could have a Master Cloudy hidden in amongst the commons.
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