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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Peltier Rainbo. I'd call that one a 7-Up. Named after the colors of the drink bottle.
  2. Yes, I think so. As in pretty darn sure on the Vitros and I think so on the Heaton. .... and pretty cool. Heaton isn't something people usually go for out of the chute, so you're starting off on an interesting path. Well done.
  3. P.s. ... pictures are looking better!
  4. Odds are "West Virginia Swirls". Odds further say "Alley" as the particular company in WV. But there was an Ohio company making marbles during the time when your collection comes from. And Alley wasn't the only West Virginia company making them in the time frame.
  5. The easy answer is "West Virginia Swirls". .... unless someone comes through and says Ohio!
  6. Shell, Akro, Vitro, Master, Marble King, Alley and/or Champion, and foreign companies have all made clearies. It's nearly impossible to tell whose those might be. One way that you can sometimes narrow your guesses down is to look for their cutlines or to look at them under a blacklight. Sometimes you'll get hints about the structure which make one company stand out as a more likely guess than others. But it's practically impossible to be sure unless you have them in the original packaging, so the main thing to do with clearies is just to enjoy them for the colors and light effects.
  7. Everything looks good to me there. Nice ones to have, if I'm correct.
  8. What a great toy. I wish I knew about these when I was a kid.
  9. The right to left symmetry was making me think maybe Master. On the general idea that Akro may tend to have a cap which extends around one side a little. But I'm being lazy today and haven't yet dug for any boxes to try to back up that niggling thought.
  10. Some of the patterns are classic and we can tell 'em with only a couple of clues. The Peltier Peerless Patches can have really funky edges. They CAN be squarish, but if you see a wild patch, think Peerless. I also first thought Akro on the top one. Then a got a little niggling thought and wondered if I should be considering Master.
  11. I don't like how large the videos are showing up, but I'm not having luck making them smaller. Post as a regular link made it a link for me ... sending me over to YouTube ... not showing the preview here.
  12. I LOVE the prop crossovers between series. I just found out that many of the favorite series from the 50's and 60's were filmed in one particular neighborhood on a studio lot. I didn't realize they were actually in houses. I just thought they were on sets with stairs that didn't go anywhere. But there was a place called "Blondie Street" and Major Nelson and Jeannie and Darrin and Samantha Stephens lived near each other.
  13. I wondered if it might have oxblood. I don't think I'm seeing ox now. MIGHT be another Peltier Multicolor Swirl. MIGHT??? mmmmight notttt. Is there a third color of ribbon? So far I'm seeing white and orange ribbons in a green base. (Not seeing aventurine.) Still intriguing.
  14. Oh yes ... the person showing you their marbles and running their hands through them and clacking them back and forth while you're trying not to hyperventilate.
  15. Almost started a new thread with this -- entitled Gift Ideas. This could be a fun project for children. Or a nice little token to give to someone without a lot of space. Shouldn't be too hard to learn good materials for painting on glass. Would be cooler if you could fire it on somehow. But ... I guess this artist used some kind of paint pens. Source: https://www.etsy.com/listing/230592014/dont-lose-your-marbles-mothers-day-set10
  16. Happy Mother's Day to all my marble friends and all our mothers. I have a wonderful mother in heaven and a beautiful stepmother and so many good marble friends. Thank you all. https://www.facebook.com/EugeneRainGlass/
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