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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Can you believe they're gonna remake Labyrinth? Hard for me to see what anyone else could bring to it ... but we shall see ....
  2. Steph

    Coyote Ugly?

    I can't be the only one who thinks this is cool. But in case I am, let me say I think it's really really really cool.
  3. Yes! Wonderful capture of the glow.
  4. Ooooopps ....... I'm not speaking for Lou ........ maybe Lou will jump right on board with this. I told myself I was gonna practice saying "yes" more.
  5. This is probably the place. If we had enough threads, maybe we could build another place. Let's see what the interest is. Or we could make a nice index thread with links to all the cool accoutrements posts.
  6. Have stuffed bell peppers in the oven now. Yes, I'm actually baking something. From scratch. From my taste tests I'm sure it will be good. And if I had planned ahead and bought the right ingredients for the recipe, I bet it would have been even better! But planning ahead to bake? Yeah, like that would happen!
  7. It's Paul! Oh my, that is beautiful.
  8. Andrea's base glass does look like Heaton (or Cairo) but I didn't realize that was a possibility with that much ox. Learn something new every day.
  9. Nice bump, Ric. Nice group, That1.
  10. Steph

    Coyote Ugly?

    Poor deer. Great pictures. It was very nice of those critters to help you out.
  11. Heaton had oxblood? Okay .... nevermind my post!
  12. Okay. Fascinating thread. Don't let any of these pictures disappear. (Saving 'em all now!)
  13. Click clack is fun. The glow in the dark version was fun. When you make the tape run backwards on the first stunt that was fun. When watching the first stunt in regular time, going forward, I felt a need to contain the marbles .... which somehow got me picturing a loop-the-loop. I suppose you've done those before with marbles.
  14. "phthalein" doesn't matter what it means ... it's just fun to spell. Like "rhythm" ... which was fun when playing hangman "hemorrhage" ... was proud when I finally learned to spell that one I ghuess I lhike the "h" whords.
  15. LOL. A pea-colored peewee. That's a good one. I'll guess Alley or Champion. You do have a lot of Alleys, so maybe that would make alley more likely.
  16. Pretty. And interesting. First thought with those colors was Peltier. Butttttt ... that's three distinct ribbons. And that third ribbon is in an awkward position. Now my best guess on these is foreign. Could be vintage. The glass looks oldish. Maybe Japanese?
  17. Normal sized? Any reason not to think the outside ones are Pelt? Or at least run on a Rainbo machine? Is Bill going with Champ? That sounds good for the middle one.
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