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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Years ago, Masters with ox seemed to be mythical creatures. Have any been found?
  2. I see what sclsu is saying. From these glimpses, that looks like a Wales marble .... except for the ox and the blue base????? The second choice given that structure would seem to be Master .... except for the ox????!!!!
  3. It hasn't felt like winter here yet, but that will change at the end of the week.
  4. Yes, confused me for a bit also. Then I thought about the morning. Sunset getting later on the 16th doesn't mean a longer day, because sunrise also is later. The day shortens by one more minute before the solstice. Then on the 27th it gains a minute back.
  5. Sunset at 4:24 today. We'll be getting our earliest sunset this year at 4:12, starting on December 4 and lasting until December 16. That feels soooooo early. Makes me feel like a foreigner up here in Wisconsin ... which I sometimes call Canada. But I look up other places that I've lived and I guess it's not _that_ much earlier than I would have gotten used to growing up. Half an hour to an hour-and-a-half earlier.
  6. Yup, Heisler Gold Ale in the same category ... I find from a quick google. I didn't know about that one. Okay ... the official answer I was looking for was "fictional names which show up in different TV shows or movies". I've been watching Criminal Minds and was surprised by references to Morley cigarettes which I knew as a brand name from X-Files and Hudson University which is mentioned a lot in the Law & Order franchise. Good job!
  7. LOL. I suppose that could be true also. And sounds like you're on track to the answer I had in mind.
  8. Neato pics. A little creepy -- sorta biological looking. But neato.
  9. I suppose that is a true statement.
  10. When I see pics like that I think, "oh to have so much serotonin". Well, sometimes I have more patriotic thoughts also -- uniforms can make me bawl -- but no uniforms here.
  11. What do Morley cigarettes and Hudson University have in common?
  12. Here are Cat's Eye Jack's 3/8" Marble Kings
  13. Back in 2010, I was told 99% chance of Alley. It did seem strange that Champion would have Alley peewees on hand 27 years after the company went out of business. So it's cool to hear that Champ could do peewees also.
  14. That's a cute box. I don't remember ever seeing that.
  15. If they weren't called Tater Bugs, they would need to be called Flan. Smooth and creamy. That little rod of glass in your bottom middle pic shows up on more than one of mine.
  16. Looks more or less okay to me. I see places where polishing compound would have wanted to stick and I don't see the compound.
  17. What do you have? Or have pictures of? p.s., doesn't have to all be marbles.
  18. I guess this doesn't belong in this thread since it's not exactly "Master-Made". Oh well.
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